Soil Fertility Guide
You can download the entire Soil Fertility Guide (PDF 1.0MB) or contact your local GO Office for a print version.
- Introduction
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Sulphur
- Micronutrients
- The Fertilizers Act and Quality Standards
- Calculating Fertilizer Rates from Nutrient Recommendations
- Fall/Spring Fertilizer Price Differences
- Common Fertilizers and their Characteristics
- Fertilizer Recommendation Guidelines
- Manure
- Nitrogen Fixation
- Soil pH and Salinity
- Nutrient Management Plans
- Appendix
- Manitoba Fertilizer Guidelines Based on Soil Tests
- Fertilizer Guidelines for Soil Tests
- Developing Fertilizer Recommendations without a Soil Test
- Developing a Fertilizer Recommendation Rate
- Agronomically, Economically and Environmentally Sensible Target Yields
- General Fertilizer Recommendations without a Soil Test
- References