Emergency Preparedness

Advance preparation is the key to protecting animals and the safety of our food supply. This section describes how livestock producers and animal owners can plan for emergencies and evacuations before they occur.

Livestock mass mortalities disposal  

Due to market uncertainty and potential disruptions to livestock processing capacity in North America resulting from COVID-19, or a foreign animal disease outbreak, Manitoba livestock producers may be faced with culling of livestock.  Mass culling of livestock requires sustainable disposal options.  On-farm burial is one of the disposal options that can be considered.    

The following fact sheet provides information to producers to help navigate the approval process with Manitoba Conservation and Climate for on-farm burial and to ensure that necessary information is provided so that timely approvals can be issued:

Process for Requesting Approval to Dispose of Livestock Mortalities by On-Farm Burial Resulting from a Mass Cull (PDF 109 KB)  

Tracking and notification programs

Two approaches aid Manitoba's response during an animal or food safety emergency:

Manitoba Premises Identification Program maps out parcels of land where livestock and poultry are grown, kept, assembled or disposed of. The program is the foundation for a national traceability and rapid notification system. In a crisis, such as a disease outbreak or natural emergency, officials can use the Premises ID database to quickly identify individuals who may be affected. All owners and operators of premises with livestock and poultry must complete a premises identification application.

Traceability systems track the movement of food through all points of the production system, from farm to consumer. If traceability is in place and there is a concern with a food product, these systems can quickly pinpoint the source so the issue can be addressed immediately. The approach limits the potential loss and exposure within the food production industry while promoting better protection of human health.

Preparing to evacuate livestock

To ensure proper care, follow these tips as you make or update your plans.


These resources can help Manitobans protect their pets' health and safety.


For more information please contact the Chief Veterinary Office or call 204-945-7663 in Winnipeg.