STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 2nd Session - 42nd Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Decrease in
Wright, PA53
Overcrowding and COVID-19
Naylor, PA55
Wright, PA55
Dependability of
Grewal, CC91
Sala, CC91
Extension and increase
Stefanson, SED2
Reduction in participation
Sala, SED4
Stefanson, SED4-5
Lack of services--Northern Manitoba
Lathlin, LA25-26
Penrose, LA25-26
Responsible Reintegration Initiative
Naylor, PA57
Naylor, PA57
Wright, PA57
Naylor, PA57
Kinew, CC35
Vehicle insurance model
Graham, CC59
Sandhu, CC59
Civil Service Superannuation Amendment Act (Bill 43)
Public presentations, HR6-8