STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 2nd Session - 42nd Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Stefanson, SED2
Johnston, Scott (Assiniboia) PC
Auditor General's Report-Follow-up of Previously Issued Recommendations-May 2014
Section 16-Managing Climate Change
Debate, PA33
Auditor General's Report-Follow-up of Previously Issued Recommendations-May 2015
Section 1: Managing Climate Change
Debate, PA33
Auditor General's Report-Follow-up of Recommendations-March 2020
Managing Climate Change
Debate, PA33
Thompson District Office: Special Audit of Missing Licences and Cash Management Practices
Debate, PA33
Segregation of duties, remote areas, PA33
Auditor General's Report-Forensic Audits-October 2018
Thompson District Office: Special Audit of Missing Licences and Cash Management Practices
Debate, PA33
Segregation of duties, remote areas, PA33
Kinew, CC34-35
COVID-19 response
Wright, PA54
Problem-solving courts
Expanded capacity
Wright, PA54
Recidivism rate, tracking of
Naylor, PA57
Wright, PA57
Remand decrease
Wright, PA53
Restorative justice programs
Cases diverted to
Naylor, PA58
Wright, PA58
Timely dispositions
Wright, PA54