STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 42nd Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Kalcsics, Kyle (Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Local 254)
Apprenticeship and Certification Amendment Act (Bill 61)
Duty to consult, SED72
Public presentations, SED71
Sector-based committees, composition of, SED71
Apprenticeship training
Journeyperson/apprentice ratios, SED72
Project labour agreements
Local labour, LA78
Training and skills development, LA78
Workplace safety, LA78
Public Sector Construction Projects (Tendering) Act (Bill 13)
Public presentations, LA78
Karpinsky, Nancy (Private Citizen)
Collective bargaining
Independent/binding arbitration, SED275
French immersion education
Competition for positions, SED274
Recruitment plans, SED275-276
Public Schools Amendment and Manitoba Teachers' Society Amendment Act (Bill 45)
Ability-to-pay provision, SED275
Public presentations, SED274-275
Kastrukoff, Renee (The Pas Family Resource Centre-Minisewin Waska)
Northern Manitoba
Sexual assault, child survivors
Long distance travel, medical exams, JU78
Reporting of Supports for Child Survivors of Sexual Assault Act (Trained Health Professionals and Evidence Collection Kits) (Bill 213)
Public presentations, JU78-79
Sexual assault, child survivors
Long distance travel, medical exam--rural/northern Manitoba, JU78
Kavanagh, Lynn (World Animal Protection)
Animal Diseases Amendment Act (Bill 62)
Written submissions, LA80-81
Keeyask Generating Station Project
Operation timeline
Grewal, CC72-73
Kehl, Jodie (Manitoba Child Care Association)
Child care
Demand-side funding, LA215
Parent fees, cap on, LA216
Subsidy rates, indexing of, LA215
Child-care centres
Non-profit facilities, maximum daily fee, LA215
Operating expenses, LA216
Early childhood educators
Pension plan, LA215-216
Post-secondary training requirements, LA215
Worker shortage, LA216
Early Learning and Child Care Act (Bill 47)
Certified employees, LA215
Early learning, definition of, LA217
Public funding, private centres, LA215
Public presentations, LA214-216
School-age programming, LA214-215, LA217
Kennedy, David (Manitoba Life Lease Occupants Association)
Education Property Tax Reduction Act (Property Tax and Insulation Assistance Act and Income Tax Act Amended) (Bill 71)
Life-lease tenants, eligibility concerns, SED524
Public presentations, SED523-525
Kettner, Shawn (Private Citizen)
Animal Diseases Amendment Act (Bill 62)
Public presentations, AG23-24
Apprenticeship and Certification Amendment Act (Bill 61)
Public presentations, SED85-86
Legal Aid Manitoba Amendment Act (Bill 50)
Public presentations, JU21-22
Legislative session
Introduction of bills without text, AG23; SED86, JU21-22, LA46-47
Reducing Red Tape and Improving Services Act, 2021 (Bill 55)
Public presentations, LA45-46
Keystone Agricultural Producers. See Animal Diseases Amendment Act; Education Property Tax Reduction Act (Property Tax and Insulation Assistance Act and Income Tax Act Amended); Petty Trespasses Amendment and Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act
Courtice, SED19
Farley, SED20
Nickel, SED21
ACCESS Program
Elimination of, SED188
Cannabis sales
Market trends/forecasts, CC54
COVID-19 pandemic
Alcohol consumption patterns, CC53-54
COVID-19, Manitoba Public Insurance
Claims, impact on, CC6
COVID-19, public-health orders
MLLC outbreak reporting, CC55
Liquor Marts
Alcohol consumption patterns due to pandemic, CC53-54
Manitoba Hydro
Long-term financial forecast and rate setting, CC63-64
Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board-Annual Reports, March 31, 2020
Debate, CC62-66
Opening statements, CC58
Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries
Market trends/forecasts, CC54
Public-health orders, outbreak reporting, CC55
Single sport betting, market size, CC55
Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI)
Adoption of online services
General comments, CC14-15
Reduction in broker commission, CC15
Annual Financial Statements February 28, 2018-2019 and March 31, 2020
Opening statements, CC2-3
Annual Reports February 28, 2018-2019 and March 31, 2020
Opening statements, CC2-3
Broker consolidations, CC16
Claims, impact of pandemic on, CC6
Commission paid to brokers, disclosure of, CC18
Drivers and Vehicles Act, cost to operate, CC9
Drivers and Vehicles Act, fee increases, CC12
Drivers and Vehicles Act, operating at a loss, CC9
Drivers and Vehicles Act, PUB oversight, CC11
Financial position, PUB scope, CC8-9
IBAM agreement, presentation to board, CC18-19
IBAM committee members, CC19
IBAM conciliation, CC17
Income lines of revenue, CC6-7
Minimal capital test levels, CC8
Profitability, CC5
Reduction in claims due to pandemic, CC5
Revenue, rebates vs. capital project investment, CC11
Post-secondary education
Accessibility and affordability, SED199, SED217
Research, support for, SED202
Project Nova
Implementation timeline, CC13-CC14
Insurance broker investments, CC13
Project costs, CC10
Monority language universities, SED176
Kleiber, Dorothy (Private Citizen)
Municipal Statutes Amendment Act (2) (Bill 53)
Code of conduct complaints process, SED351-352
Public presentations, SED350-352
Sanctions, number of council to pass, SED351
Knowledge Keeper. See Advocate for Children and Youth office
Kohan, Andrew (Private Ctitzen)
Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 33)
Public presentations, SED308-310
Scholarships and bursaries
Difficulty accessing, SED309
Self governance rights, SED309
Korell, Christian (Association of Manitoba Land Surveyors)
Limitations Act (Bill 51)
Written submissions, JU39-40
Koslowsky, Nathan (Christian Labour Association of Canada, Local 152)
Public Sector Construction Projects (Tendering) Act (Bill 13)
Written submissions, LA102
Kosokowsky, Leah (Law Society of Manitoba)
Legal Profession Amendment Act (Bill 24)
Limited practitioners, scope of duties, JU13
Public presentations, JU13
Kostiuk, Stephania (Ryerson School Age Centre Inc.)
Child-care centres, COVID-19
Safety protocols, LA246-247
COVID-19, child-care centres
Safety protocols, LA246-247
Early Learning and Child Care Act (Bill 47)
Public presentations, LA246-248
Kraychuk, Phil (Private Citizen)
Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 18)
Presumptive coverage, LA159
Psychological injuries, single incident vs. cumulative, LA159
Public presentations, LA158-160
Worker adviser office, LA158
Workers Compensation Board
Compounding injuries, LA161
Medical claim suppression, LA159
Policy development, LA160
Kroeker-Klassen, Catherine (Manitoba Egg Farmers)
Petty Trespasses Amendment and Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act (Bill 63)
Public presentations, JU60-61
Kron, David (Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba)
Disability Support Act and Amendments to The Manitoba Assistance Act (Bill 72)
Determination of financial resources, SED542
Disability trusts, exemption, SED543
Employment and loss of benefits, SED543
Henson trust exemption, SED543
Public presentations, SED542-543
Short-term, episodic disabilities
One year vs. ninety day time period, SED544
Spousal income exemption, SED542
Krone, Ainsley (Deputy Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth)
Advocate for Children and Youth Act
Proclamation timeline, LA25
Advocate for Children and Youth office
Advocacy services, number of, LA16, LA31
Advocacy services, number of--Thompson office, LA19
Advocacy services, types of, LA16
Call volumes during pandemic, LA21
Child death review process, expansion of, LA17, LA24-25
Children in care visits during pandemic, LA21
Closure of drop-ins due to pandemic, LA20
Expanded child death reviews, need for, LA19
First Nations and Metis collaborations, LA18
Infant deaths, sleep related
Prevention recommendations, LA18
Internal reconciliation committee, LA18-19
Knowledge Keeper and Elders Council, LA18
MACY-RAP subcommittee, LA18
Mental health and addiction recommendations, LA18
Mental health support for children due to pandemic, LA22-23
National youth suicide prevention strategy, LA17
Northern Youth Ambassador Advisory Squad, LA19
Office flood, disruption in service, LA20
Operations during pandemic, LA18
Position vacancies, LA30
Public education program, LA17
Remote Facebook live events, LA20-21
Remote working due to pandemic, LA20
Respite services, suspension of due to pandemic, LA23
Serious injury or death, twelve month investigation period, LA32-33
Serious injury reporting recommendations, LA19
Social isolation due to pandemic, LA34
Suspension and explusion from school, LA31-32
Thrival Kits, mental health promotion in schools, LA17
Youth Ambassador Advisory Squad, LA21
Youth engagement activities, LA16-17
Youth Listening Tour across Manitoba, LA17
Child and family services agencies
Justice system, youth in, report, LA23-24
Child and Family Services Information System (CFSIS)
Counting number of children in care, used for, LA26-27
Children in care
Access to education difficulties during pandemic, LA35
Home visits during pandemic, LA21
Lead levels in blood, LA33-34
COVID-19 pandemic
Advocate for Children and Youth office
Closure, LA20
Operations during pandemic, LA18
Remote working, LA20
Children in care visits during, LA21
Mental health and addiction supports, youth, LA35-36
Soical isolation, children, LA34
Education system
Suspensions and expulsions
Advocate for Children and Youth recommendation, LA31-32
First Nations
Advocate for Children and Youth collaborations, LA18
Infant deaths
Sleep-related, prevention recommendations, LA18
Justice system, youth in
Connection to CFS, report release, LA23-24
Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth-Annual Report-March 31, 2020
Opening statements, LA15-20
Questions, LA20-36
Mental health and addiction services, youth
Due to pandemic, LA22-23
MACY recommendations, LA18, LA28-29
Ruban vs. rural services, LA30
Service gaps, LA18
Support programs, LA29-30
Support programs during pandemic, LA35
Mental Health, Wellness and Recovery Department
Compliance with MACY recommendations, LA28-29
Mental Health Act, responsibility for, LA29
Metis community
Advocate for Children and Youth collaborations, LA18
Northern Manitoba
Sexual assault kits, access to, LA24
The Slow Disappearance of Matthew: A Family's Fight for Youth Mental Health Care in the Wake of Bullying and Mental Illness, LA18
Suicide, youth
Manitoba rates, LA17
National prevention strategy, LA17
Thompson Manitoba
Advocate for Children and Youth office, LA19
Thrival Kits
Mental health promotion in schools, LA17
Youth Ambassador Advisory Squad, LA21
Krueger, Krista (Private Citizen)
Animal Diseases Amendment Act (Bill 62)
Biosecurity, rodeos and auctions, AG46
Public presentations, AG46
Rodeos and auctions, AG46
Kupfer, Stephen (5008735 Manitoba Ltd.)
Planning Amendment and City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Public presentations, SED356-358