Hansard: Index

HOUSE INDEX - 3rd Session - 41st Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Habitat for Humanity

General comments

Johnston, 150

Morden-Winkler homes

Friesen, 3407

Habitat loss

Land use policies

Lamont, 3368

Hailu, Abseret. See Members' statements

Halliday, Richard. See Members' statements

Handi-Transit services

Funding concerns

Smith, B., 2063-2064

Wharton, 2063-2064

Harassment, workplace. See Civil Service; Legislative Assembly; Municipal government; Municipal Harassment Policy Act (Various Acts Amended)

Harper, John Joseph. See Members' statements

Harry, Trinity. See Members' statements under Tina Fontaine Memorial

Harvest for Kids. See Members' statements

Haynes, Dione. See Members' statements under WOKE comedy collective

Hazardous waste sites

Cleanup timeline and budget

Lamont, 4116-4117

Pallister, 4117-4118

Re-issuing of licences

Lamont, 3847-3848, 3857

Headway Program

Crime prevention, youth--Steinbach

Lagassé, 1168

Stefanson, 1168

Health Accord

Reporting process

Fielding, 3860

Swan, 3860

Health Intelligence Inc.

Data used for report

Goertzen, 1197

Swan, 1196-1197

Strategic direction given

Goertzen, 1197-1198

Swan, 1197

Health Sciences Centre

ER doctors, number expected

Goertzen, 1468

Marcelino, F., 1468

Methamphetamine cases

Security officers, expanded powers for

Friesen, 3959-3960

Swan, 3959-3960

Methamphetamine patients, beds for

Gerrard, 804-805

Goertzen, 805

Shared Health Services, inclusion of

Gerrard, 3283

Goertzen, 3284

Health Sector Bargaining Unit Review Act

Proclamation timeline

Goertzen, 1273-1275

Lindsey, 2153

Pallister, 2153

Swan, 1273-1274

Health Services Insurance Amendment Act (Bill 233)

1 R

Swan, 3515

2 R


Cox, 3558-3559

Gerrard, 3559-3561

Lagassé, 3997-3999

Martin, 3564, 3991-3993

Michaleski, 3999-4000

Morley-Lecomte, 3561-3562

Nesbitt, 3995-3997

Wharton, 3993-3995

Wishart, 3562-3564

Opening statement

Swan, 3553-3555


Cox, 3556-3557

Gerrard, 3556

Lindsey, 3556-3557

Marcelino, T., 3557

Morley-Lecomte, 3556, 3558

Smith, B., 3556-3557

Swan, 3556-3558

Wishart, 3556

Health Sustainability and Innovation Review

KPMG report

Allum, 318-319, 373

Kinew, 1328

Pallister, 1328-1329

Health-care aides

Personal-care home staffing--Northern Manitoba

Lindsey, 155

Stefanson, 155

Health-care budget

Budget 2018

Cox, 788

Fontaine, 605

Johnson, 691

Marcelino, F., 782

Pallister, 851

Reyes, 648

Smook, 846

Government priorities

Kinew, 586-587

Pallister, 586-587

Health-care premiums. See also Health Services Insurance Amendment Act

Low-income Manitobans, impact on

Smith, B., 3556

Swan, 3556

Provincial comparison

Swan, 3554

Tray fees

Gerrard, 3556

Swan, 3556

Health-care providers

Mental-health of

Swan, 1579

Health-care services. See also Canadian Institute for Health Information; Indigenous health care; International students; Members' statements; Resolutions

Access to--rural

Morley-Lecomte, 30

Agency nurses, use of

Gerrard, 2694-2695

Goertzen, 2694-2695

Pallister, 2695

Bargaining unit reduction

Fielding, 3865

Bed reduction concerns

Kinew, 3843-3844

Pallister, 3844-3845

Bilateral agreement--federal

Goertzen, 969-978

Swan, 969-978

Bilateral agreement, expected outcomes

Goertzen, 975

Swan, 975

Case concern re: Mr. Donkey

Call for inquiry

Kinew, 3620-3621

Case concern re: Ms. Harper

Call for inquiry

Klassen, 2859, 2908

Squires, 2908

Stefanson, 2859

Meeting with minister

Klassen, 2858

Stefanson, 2858

Chronic disease prevention

Fielding, 185

Collaborative care teams

Gerrard, 101

Emerging technologies

Gerrard, 100

Employee uncertainty

Marcelino, F., 180

French language services

Allum, 3262

Fontaine, 2392-2395

Isleifson, 3395

Kinew, 2463-2464

Reyes, 2393

Squires, 2464

Teitsma, 2395

Wiebe, 2393, 2394

Funding changes impacting care--The Pas

Goertzen, 49-50

Lathlin, 49

Funding concerns

Fontaine, 3919-3920

Pallister, 3919-3920


Cox, 3557

Goertzen, 1734-1735

Klassen, 1734-1735

Pallister, 852

Swan, 3557

Wiebe, 1259-1260

Government plan

Goertzen, 430-431

Kinew, 430-431

Government record

Wiebe, 3202

Indigenous advocate

Klassen, 2907

Squires, 2907

KPMG report

Goertzen, 296-297

Swan, 296-297

Long-term plan--southwest Manitoba

Gerrard, 1145

Goertzen, 1145

On-call consultation service--rural

Nesbitt, 76

Peachey report recommendations

Nesbitt, 76

Peer support workers

Gerrard, 1073

Goertzen, 1073

Prevention services plan

Gerrard, 3183-3184

Goertzen, 3183-3184

Primary prevention, investment in

Kinew, 222-223, 1334-1336

Pallister, 1334-1336

Privatization inquiry

Stefanson, 2856

Swan, 2856

Request to reinstate clinic--The Pas

Goertzen, 50

Lathlin, 50

Research approach

Gerrard, 1358

Goertzen, 1358

Specialist referrals, tracking system

Gerrard, 1072

Goertzen, 1072

Strategic direction for

Gerrard, 99

Sustainability of

Friesen, 3196


Gerrard, 984

Goertzen, 984-985


Lindsey, 3556

Smith, B., 3557

Swan, 3556-3557

Wait time reduction

Friesen, 3807

Micklefield, 3807

Nesbitt, 3996

Wait times--Brandon

Goertzen, 1427-1428

Kinew, 1427-1428

Women's services, access to

Fontaine, 431-432

Goertzen, 431-432

Women's services, budget for

Fontaine, 594

Goertzen, 594

Health-care services, changes to. See also Matter of Urgent Public Importance

General comments

Pallister, 942

Government direction

Kinew, 1329-1339

Pallister, 1329-1340

Impact on emergency departments

Goertzen, 1729-1730

Kinew, 1728-1730

Impact on front-line care

Goertzen, 2751-2752

Swan, 2751-2752

Impact on front-line workers

Fontaine, 3481

Friesen, 3481-3482

Gerrard, 1306-1307, 3560

Lindsey, 2153-2154

Pallister, 1307, 2153-2154

Impact on Manitobans

Goertzen, 427-428

Kinew, 717-718

Pallister, 718

Swan, 427-428

Impact on patient care

Gerrard, 433-434

Goertzen, 433-434

Impact on patients and staff

Kinew, 3344

Pallister, 3344-3345

Impact on women and girls

Fontaine, 1888-1889

Goertzen, 1889

Squires, 1888-1889

KPMG report

Goertzen, 2752

Pallister, 2817-2818

Stefanson, 2856

Swan, 2752, 2817-2818, 2855

Nurses, mandatory overtime

Gerrard, 3560

Goertzen, 1083-1084

Kinew, 944

Pallister, 947

Swan, 1083-1084

Nursing profession recommendations

Goertzen, 191-192

Kinew, 191-192

Nursing staff levels

Kinew, 3799-3801

Pallister, 3800-3801

Public awareness campaign

Goertzen, 3302-3303

Maloway, 3302

Request to reverse

Friesen, 428-430

Goertzen, 18-19

Kinew, 17-18, 428-429, 1302-1303

Pallister, 1302-1303

St. Boniface community, impact on

Fontaine, 3211-3212

Gerrard, 3206

Pallister, 3211-3212

Use of consultants

Goertzen, 1939

Swan, 1938-1939

Wait time for services

Kinew, 1301-1302

Pallister, 1301-1302

WRHA ad campaign costs

Goertzen, 1276

Swan, 1276

Health, Seniors and Active Living Department

Active living investments

Pallister, 1335

Active Living, Population and Public Health

Print communication budget

Goertzen, 1353-1354

Swan, 1353-1354

Cannabis public information campaign

Goertzen, 1350-1352

Swan, 1350-1352

Department lead on strategic system realignment

Goertzen, 968

Swan, 968


Debate, 963-985, 1057-1074, 1127-1145, 1196-1206, 1265-1280, 1343-1358, 1453-1472, 1693-1699, 1771-1790, 1840-1855, 1914

Opening statements

Goertzen, 963-965

Swan, 965-966


Fletcher, 1344-1348, 1775-1778

Fontaine, 1841-1848

Gerrard, 982-985, 1071-1073, 1143-1145, 1278-1280, 1356-1358, 1469-1472, 1699, 1771-1774

Goertzen, 966-985, 1057-1074, 1127-1145, 1196-1206, 1265-1280, 1343-1358, 1453-1472, 1693-1699, 1771-1790, 1840-1855

Lathlin, 1697-1698

Lindsey, 1693-1697

Maloway, 1461-1463

Marcelino, T., 1467-1469

Saran, 1463-1466

Swan, 966-981, 1057-1070, 1127-1142, 1196-1206, 1265-1278, 1343, 1349-1356, 1453-1461, 1693, 1771, 1779-1790, 1840, 1848-1855

FTE's, rural locations

Goertzen, 1128

Swan, 1128

Full time staff, outside City of Winnipeg

Goertzen, 1065

Swan, 1065

Healthy living, illness prevention initiatives

Goertzen, 1141-1143

Swan, 1140-1142

Mandate letter

Goertzen, 1841

Swan, 1840

Non-political staff

Goertzen, 1855

Swan, 1855

Out-of-province expenditures

Goertzen, 1131-1132

Swan, 1131-1132

Out-of-province services, compensation for

Goertzen, 1132-1133

Swan, 1132

Physician services

Estimate of expenditure

Goertzen, 1135-1136

Swan, 1135-1136

Political staff

Goertzen, 1854

Swan, 1854

Priorities and Planning staff

Goertzen, 967

Swan, 967

Shared Health Services

Goertzen, 1068

Swan, 1068

Staff introductions

Goertzen, 966, 1057, 1265, 1453, 1771, 1840

Swan, 966, 1057

Supplementary Information for Legislative Review, 2018-2019

Goertzen, 829

Vacancies, breakdown of

Goertzen, 1127-1128

Swan, 1127

Vacancies, number of

Goertzen, 1128

Swan, 1128

Vacancies, policy regarding

Goertzen, 1066-1067

Swan, 1066-1067

Vacancy rate concerns

Goertzen, 1169-1170

Swan, 1169

Healthy Child Advisory Committee

New chair appointment

Swan, 2043

Wishart, 2043

Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet

Last sitting of

Swan, 2042

Wishart, 2042

Membership and meetings

Clarke, 2194-2195

Swan, 2194-2195

Request to convene meeting

Pallister, 2059-2060

Swan, 2059-2060

Healthy Child Manitoba

Board member reduction

Marcelino, F., 360

Wishart, 360


Swan, 2045

Wishart, 2045

General comments

Clarke, 2195-2197

Swan, 2195, 2196

Reallocation of funds

Swan, 2044

Wishart, 2044

Review of

Swan, 2043

Wishart, 2043-2044

Healthy Child Manitoba, the Child and Youth Report 2017

Report tabled

Wishart, 913

Healthy Foods in Schools program

Pallister, 1335

Hearing aids, children

Audiology equipment, funding coverage

Gerrard, 3228, 3289

Goertzen, 3289

Hearing impairment. See School for the Deaf

Heart disease. See Members' statements under Ratz, Jackie

Heavy construction industry. See also Traffic and Transportation Modernization Act

Public infrastructure projects

Tendering concerns

Maloway, 1042-1043, 2789

Sole-source contracts

Gerrard, 2790

Maloway, 2789

Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Educational Resource Centre

Clarke, 2252

Helwer, Reg (Brandon West) PC

Agriculture industry

Pesticide use reduction, 134-135

Technology advancements, 135

Brandon Manitoba

Downtown fire, 2531

Budget 2018

Municipal funding, 767-768

New schools, 784

Budget 2019

Prebudget public consultations, 3743

Budget Debate, 784-787

Child and Family Services (CFS)

Reform, First Nations consultations, 392-393

Condolence, motions of

Evans, Leonard, 3828

Pawley, Howard R., 3760-3761

Efficiency Manitoba

Board selection, newly appointed, 2418

First Nations communities

CFS reform (consultations), 392-393

Genetically modified organisms (GMO's), 3254

Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Genetic Characteristics) (Bill 225)

2 R

Debate, 3253-3254, 4179-4180

Data, ownership rights, 3254

Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan

Consultations, 134

Manitoba Organ and Tissue Donation Task Force

Inquiry into Organ and Tissue Donation Report, June 2018, 2807

Massey Manor fire

Housing for displaced residents, 2531

Members' statements

Brave the Shave to Conquer Cancer, 3580

Fire in Brandon, 2599

National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week, 1795

PST increase and fire in Brandon, 2899

RCA Brandon Military Ball, 4047

Thomas, Frank and Betty, 1161

World Kidney Day, 527-528


Budget for 2018, 767-768

Oral Questions

Budget 2018

Municipal funding, 767-768

Budget 2019

Government consultations, 3743

Child and Family Services reform

First Nations consultations, 392-393

Efficiency Manitoba

New board appointed, 2418

Organ and tissue donation

Standing committee, establishment of, 135


Agriculture industry, reduction, 134-135

Pride events

Theme for, 2732

Prompt Payments in the Construction Industry Act (Bill 218)

1 R, 1209

2 R

Opening statement, 1705-1706

Questions, 1706-1708

Alternate dispute resolution, 1707, 1708

Consultations, 1707

Consultations, consumer groups, 1707

Insolvency, 1708

Public Schools Amendment Act (No Disclosure Without Consent) (Bill 224)

2 R

Debate, 3388-3389

Questions, 3382


Celebrating a new school in Brandon

Debate, 1718-1720

Celebrating Pride in Manitoba

Debate, 2733-2735

Questions, 2731, 2732

Protecting and promoting french language services

Debate, 3263-3265

Restore public transit funding for municipalities

Debate, 3574-3575, 4188

School construction

Budget 2018, 784

Surface water management

Multi-jurisdictional water sources, 134

Throne Speech

Debate, 133-136

Vital Statistics Amendment Act (Bill 226)

2 R

Debate, 1868-1870, 2530-2531

Questions, 1862

Hemlock Drive seniors complex

Construction of

Lindsey, 105, 124

Hemsley, Rudi. See Members' statements

Highway 2 and 3


Martin, 893

Schuler, 893

Highway 392


Fielding, 3867

Lindsey, 3867

Highway 8

Road conditions

Timeline for repairs

Lathlin, 302

Schuler, 302

Highway infrastructure

Budget for 2018

Kinew, 3272-3273

Maloway, 591, 2956-2957, 3107-3108, 3280

Pallister, 591, 2957, 3272-3273, 3280

Schuler, 591, 2956, 3107-3108, 3280

Funding commitment

Maloway, 2908-2909

Schuler, 2908-2909

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Impaired Driving Offences) (Bill 36)

1 R

Cullen, 3399

2 R


Altemeyer, 3722-3724

Fletcher, 3548-3551

Fontaine, 3728-3732, 3833

Klassen, 3542

Lindsey, 3551, 3717-3722

Maloway, 3544-3548

Marcelino, F., 3724-3727

Marcelino, T., 3542-3544

Swan, 3535-3542

Opening statement

Cullen, 3532-3533


Cullen, 3533-3535

Fletcher, 3533-3535

Gerrard, 3533-3535

Swan, 3533-3535

Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development

C 3/R

Cullen, 4160

Fontaine, 4160


Filmon, 4244

Highway Traffic Board. See Traffic and Transportation Modernization Act

Elimination of

Schuler, 1620, 2788

Highways and roads. See also Municipal Road and Bridge Program

Budget for programs

Maloway, 4118

Schuler, 4118

Construction budget

Maloway, 2789

Delays and cost overruns

Kinew, 3412-3413

Pallister, 3412-3413

Electric vehicle charging station

Altemeyer, 1368

Schuler, 1368

Government safety record

Swan, 3537

Municipal maintenance/repair


Kinew, 888

Pallister, 888

Operating grant announcement

Smook, 3046

Wharton, 3046-3047

Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation

Repairs and bike path

Maloway, 3006

Schuler, 3006-3007

Safety improvements

Clarke, 2254

Lindsey, 2254


Schuler, 1040-1041

Roundabout construction

Martin, 847

South Perimeter and Highways 2 and 3

Martin, 893

Schuler, 893

Speed limits, municipal responsibility

Schuler, 1041, 1620, 2788

Hip and Knee Institute

Wiebe, 234, 237

Hip and knee replacement

Privatization inquiry

Kinew, 1536-1537

Pallister, 1536-1537

Wait times

Gerrard, 1596-1597

Goertzen, 1304, 1455-1458, 1596-1597

Kinew, 1301-1302, 1536

Pallister, 1301-1302, 1536

Swan, 1303-1304, 1455-1457

Historical Museum of St. James-Assiniboia. See Members' statements


Global Public Health Conference

Gerrard, 3176

Pharmacare coverage

Gerrard, 1772

Goertzen, 1772-1773

Preventative health services

Gerrard, 3315-3316

Goertzen, 3315-3316

Special drug program coverage

Kinew, 2656

Hockey. See Members' statements

Hog industry

Anaerobic digesters

Smook, 143

Barn building restrictions

Michaleski, 170

Economic value of

Graydon, 56

Spinoff industries

Michaleski, 171

Holding onto Hope

Domestic violence, publication

Squires, 4006

Holocaust Memorial Day. See Yom Hashoah


Cox, 37-38

Lamoureux, 38-39

Smith, B., 38

Home Cancer Drug Program

Enhancement to

Goertzen, 964

Home care

Funding reduction concerns

Lathlin, 158-159

Stefanson, 159


Fielding, 3861, 3863-3864

Isleifson, 69

Swan, 3860-3861, 3863


Altemeyer, 641

Fontaine, 606

Goertzen, 1431-1432, 2008

Smith, B., 1430-1432

Swan, 2007-2008

Recognition of

Yakimoski, 4100

Home grow operations, cannabis. See Safe and Responsible Retailing of Cannabis Act (Liquor and Gaming Control Act and Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation Act Amended)


Social housing subsidies

Fielding, 3005-3006

Marcelino, T., 3005-3006

Homophobia. See Ministerial statements under International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

Hospitals. See also Specific hospitals

Latex allergies

Gerrard, 1773

Goertzen, 1773

Methamphetamine cases

Security officers, expanded powers for

Friesen, 3959-3960

Pallister, 4206

Swan, 3959-3960, 4206

Personal-care home conversion--rural

Kinew, 1257-1258

Pallister, 1257-1259

Plans for--rural

Goertzen, 1779-1781

Swan, 1779-1781

Housing. See also Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation; National Housing Strategy

Child care and poverty

Request for government strategy

Fielding, 3313-3314

Smith, B., 3313-3314

Expiration of federal agreements

Rent increase concerns

Cox, 532

Smith, B., 532

Federal/provincial agreement

Fielding, 205

LGBTTQ* discrimination

Fontaine, 1866

Residential properties, increase in

Pallister, 854-855

Retrofits, green initiatives

Altemeyer, 4173

Units needed

Smith, B., 1407

Housing strategy. See also National Housing Strategy

Hrynyk, Donald

Lagassé, 188

HudBay Snow Lake. See Members' statements under Provincial Mine Rescue Competition winners

Human Resources, Standing Committee on

First report

Teitsma, 2053-2054

Human Rights Code

Disability provision

Gerrard, 3772

Swan, 3772

Genetic discrimination

Gerrard, 2727

Morley-Lecomte, 2726

Physical size and weight, inclusion of

Gerrard, 3771

Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Bill 216)

1 R

Gerrard, 714

2 R


Martin, 3774-3775

Swan, 3775-3776

Opening statement

Gerrard, 3771-3772


Gerrard, 3772-3774

Martin, 3772-3773

Swan, 3772

Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills

Cross-jurisdictional best practices

Gerrard, 3773-3774

Martin, 3773

Disability designation, problem with

Martin, 3775

Employment discrimination

Martin, 3775

Physical size discrimination

Gerrard, 3771

Supreme Court rulings

Gerrard, 3772-3773

Martin, 3772

Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Genetic Characteristics) (Bill 225)

1 R

Swan, 2651

2 R


Curry, 3077-3079

Ewasko, 3082-3083, 3245-3246

Fontaine, 3073

Gerrard, 2727-2728, 3073

Guillemard, 3079-3081

Helwer, 3253-3254, 4179-4180

Isleifson, 2721-2723

Johnson, 4183-4185

Johnston, 4186-4187

Kinew, 2723-2725

Lagimodiere, 4181-4183

Lindsey, 3252-3253

Martin, 3081-3082

Michaleski, 4185-4186

Micklefield, 3075-3077

Morley-Lecomte, 2725-2727

Pedersen, 3246-3247

Saran, 3251-3252

Smith, A., 3247-3249

Teitsma, 3073-3075

Wowchuk, 4180-4181

Yakimoski, 3249-3251

Opening statement

Swan, 2717-2719


Gerrard, 2719-2720

Guillemard, 2720

Isleifson, 2719

Kinew, 2719-2721

Micklefield, 2721

Morley-Lecomte, 2720

Swan, 2719-2721


Isleifson, 2719

Swan, 2719

Data, ownership rights

Helwer, 3254

Discrimination concerns

Johnson, 4184

Lagimodiere, 4182-4183

Michaleski, 4186

Genetic information

Personal and business gain

Wowchuk, 4181

Individual disclosure rights

Wowchuk, 4180

Insurance and employment discrimination

Wowchuk, 4180

Insurance practices

Wowchuk, 4181

Other jurisdictions

Micklefield, 2721

Swan, 2721

Privacy rights

Johnson, 4184

Johnston, 4187

Public feedback

Kinew, 2721

Swan, 2721

Human Rights Commission

Budget and staffing

Fontaine, 2857-2858

Pallister, 2857-2858

Cases before

Gerrard, 3773

Martin, 3773

Consultations re: Bill 216

Gerrard, 3772

Martin, 3772

Genetic discrimination cases

Guillemard, 2720

Swan, 2720

Genetic testing, consultations

Morley-Lecomte, 2720

Swan, 2720

Staff reduction inquiry

Fontaine, 2818

Stefanson, 2818

Humboldt Broncos


Fletcher, 1076-1077

Gerrard, 1076

Kinew, 1075-1076

Pallister, 1075

Jersey day

Cox, 1297-1298

Lamoureux, 1298

Marcelino, F., 1298


City limit ban

Fletcher, 3123

Sacred relationships

Kinew, 2924

Safe practices, indigenous consultations

Squires, 2189

Sustainable practices

Marcelino, F., 3117

Marcelino, T., 3120

Traditional and modern

Fletcher, 3122-3123

Klassen, 2417, 3236

Pallister, 2417

Hunting, night. See also Wildlife Amendment Act (Safe Hunting and Shared Management)

Definition of

Squires, 2920

Wowchuk, 2936

Geographic considerations

Clarke, 2205

Swan, 2205

Lands approved for

Wowchuk, 2937

Legal opinion on

Altemeyer, 2922

Squires, 2922

Metis Federation proposal

Altemeyer, 2921

Kinew, 2928

Squires, 2921

Permit for

Maloway, 3065, 3363-3364

Squires, 2919, 3367

Swan, 2938, 3369

Wowchuk, 2935-2937

Policy development

Clarke, 2201

Swan, 2201

Premier's comments

Allum, 3054-3055

Altemeyer, 2921, 3031

Fontaine, 2933-2934

Kinew, 2925

Klassen, 3236

Lamont, 4127

Lathlin, 3062

Lindsey, 3069, 3070

Maloway, 3066, 3364

Squires, 2921

Swan, 3018, 3373

Wiebe, 3024, 3228

Right to

Lathlin, 4124-4125

Safety concerns

Fletcher, 3123

Gerrard, 3056

Kinew, 2924

Piwniuk, 3020-3021

Squires, 2919


Wowchuk, 2935

Spotlighting, difference between

Klassen, 3239

Hunting, sport

Big game depletion

Impact on Indigenous communities

Clarke, 2202

Swan, 2202

Hutterian Emergency Aquatic Response Team. See Members' statements

Hutterite colonies. See Members' statements

Hydroelectric power. See also Manitoba Hydro

Sales per kilowatt

Fletcher, 3202-3203

HyLife Foods

Pork production expansion

Eichler, 609

Hysterectomies. See Status of Women


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