HOUSE INDEX - 5th Session - 40th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
O'Brien, Aidan. See Members' statements
Ashton, 894
Diabetes prevention program
Lathlin, 695
Letter to government
Goertzen, 644-645
Robinson, 645-646
Manitoba Hydro contract
Eichler, 919-920
Selinger, 643-644
NDP leadership campaign
Pallister, 642-643
Selinger, 642-643
Open Circle. See Members' statements
Helwer, 45
Economic development opportunities
Lathlin, 22
That the federal government conduct a national referendum regarding the preferred system of voting
Chomiak, 979-981
Driedger, 974-975
Friesen, 967-969
Gaudreau, 969-971
Gerrard, 977-978
Goertzen, 963-965
Maloway, 972-974
Rondeau, 975-977
Schuler, 978-979
Smook, 971-972
Speaker's ruling, 983
Swan, 965-967
That the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba urge the provincial government to bring forward the 2016-2017 provincial budget
Dewar, 1057-1059
Friesen, 1055-1057
Gerrard, 1063-1064
Graydon, 1061-1063
Helwer, 1066-1068
Piwniuk, 1064-1066
Schuler, 1068-1070
Stefanson, 1059-1061
Pettersen, 266
Gerrard, 240
Oswald, Theresa (Seine River) NDP
Domestic Violence and Stalking Amendment Act (Bill 11)
C/3 R, 861-867
Prevention of Interpersonal and Family Violence Through Education Act (Public Schools Act and Education Administration Act Amended) (Bill 215)
2 R, 583-584
Ewasko, 559
Gaudreau, 67
Graydon, 128
Martin, 75
Piwniuk, 107