Hansard: Index

HOUSE INDEX - 1st Session - 40th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


E-apprenticeship program

Bjornson, 1722

Early Childhood Development Initiative


Allan, 1684

Early childhood education. See also PAX program

Abecedarian Approach

Chief, 1635

Wight, 1635

Earth Day

Maguire, 417-418

Earth III School. See Beaverlodge Elementary School

East Elmwood Community Centre reconstruction

Wiebe, 217

East Side Road Authority. See also All-weather road network; Manitoba Floodway and East Side Road Authority

All-weather road construction

Whitehead, 317

Budget increase

Ashton, 692-693

Projects and costs

Robinson, 1777

Wishart, 1777

Road ownership

Robinson, 1778-1779

Wishart, 1778

Staffing level

Robinson, 1776-1777

Wishart, 1776-1777

East View Lodge (Neepawa)

Redevelopment status and costs

Briese, 156

Oswald, 156

Eastman Recycling Services. See Giesbrecht, Jake

Eating Disorder Prevention and Recovery Program

Wait list

Driedger, 1532

Rondeau, 1532-1533

Eating disorders

Outreach program

Driedger, 1532

Rondeau, 1532

Teen Talk program

Rondeau, 1533


Driedger, 1532

Rondeau, 1532

Eating Disorders Self-Help Program

Canadian Mental Health initiative

Rondeau, 1532

Ebb and Flow First Nations

Ambulance services, need for

Briese, 2069

Oswald, 2069

Ebenezer Home (Altona)

Graydon, 625

École Bannatyne School

100th anniversary

Blady, 793


Blady, 337

École Lacerte choir

Jha, 418

École secondaire Kelvin High School 100th anniversary

Howard, 1589-1590

Ecological goods and services program


Maguire, 1205

Wishart, 1206

Economic development. See Communities Economic Development Fund; Community Economic Development; Métis Economic Development Fund; Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI); Urban Development Initiatives


American markets, dependence on

Bjornson, 1729, 18230

Smook, 1828

Business climate

Taillieu, 1596

Capital investments

Chomiak, 421

Cost-of-living affordability

Selinger, 2168

Credit ratings

Chomiak, 421

Downturn, government response

Stefanson, 830-831, 908-909

Struthers, 830-831, 908-909

Employment creation

Bjornson, 1198

Maloway, 1201

Selinger, 633, 653

Employment rates

Altemeyer, 512

Bjornson, 1140-1141, 1721

Chomiak, 421

Cullen, 1140-1141

Maloway, 1492

Rondeau, 1487

Selinger, 409

Expenditure plans, government

McFadyen, 70-72

Selinger, 70-72

Federal stimulus plan programs

Struthers, 2341

Five-year plan

Ashton, 430

Friesen, 433-434

Gerrard, 915

McFadyen, 633, 845

Selinger, 633, 654, 718, 845

Stefanson, 661, 706, 829, 1051, 1593

Struthers, 165, 829, 910, 1051-1052, 1594, 2342, 2381

Growth and initiatives

Ashton, 431

Bjornson, 1721, 2022

Friesen, 58-59

Labour force decrease

Bjornson, 1141

Cullen, 1141

Minimum wage increase

Altemeyer, 514

Howard, 523, 1855

Oswald, 493

Selinger, 334

Struthers, 324

Wishart, 555

Natural resources, use of

McFadyen, 352

Opposition party five-point plan

Allum, 1598

Rowat, 1197

Stefanson, 1592, 2240

Provincial comparisons

Eichler, 583-584

Maguire, 362-363

Wight, 556

Tradesperson shortage

Smook, 1485

Edmondson, Doug

Wishart, 2026

Education Department

Adjusted votes

Allan, 1693-1693-1694

Friesen, 1693-1693-1694

Associate deputy minister, appointment of

Allan, 1694-1695

Cullen, 1612

Friesen, 1605, 1694-1695

McFadyen, 725-726

Selinger, 725-726


Allan, 1692-1693

Altemeyer, 515

Friesen, 1692-1693

Bureau de l'éducation française

Allan, 1689-1690

Friesen, 1689-1690


Debate, 1683-1699, 1742-1763, 1877-1898

Opening statements

Allan, 1683-1685

Friesen, 1685-1686


Allan, 1683-1699, 1742-1763, 1877-1897

Ewasko, 1878, 1892-1894

Friesen, 1685-1699, 1742-1763, 1877-1890, 1894-1897

Gerrard, 1890-1891

Human resource position

Allan, 1690-1691

Friesen, 1690-1691

Organization chart changes

Allan, 1690-1691

Friesen, 1690-1691

School Programs Division

Allan, 1689-1690

Friesen, 1689-1690

Shared Services area

Allan, 1689-1690

Friesen, 1689-1690

Staffing, contract employees

Allan, 1689

Friesen, 1689

Staffing, executive support and expenditures

Allan, 1687, 1693

Friesen, 1687, 1693

Staffing, political

Allan, 1688

Staffing, reclassifications

Allan, 1688

Friesen, 1688

Staffing, retirements and vacancies

Allan, 1688-1689

Friesen, 1688-1689

Supplementary Information for Legislative Review

Allan, 1346

Education Property Tax Credit

Seniors, increase for

Allan, 1683

Altemeyer, 514

Caldwell, 443

Chomiak, 367

Crothers, 546

Dewar, 1604

Eichler, 149, 1603, 2324

Ewasko, 481, 545, 1609, 2335, 2412-2413

Friesen, 432

Gaudreau, 358

Graydon, 127

Marcelino, F., 473

McFadyen, 346, 480-481, 981

Melnick, 103

Mitchelson, 970-972

Oswald, 494

Pedersen, 455

Rondeau, 499, 2412

Selinger, 376, 409, 439-440, 480-482, 632, 654, 733, 981

Smook, 2335

Stefanson, 1049-1050

Struthers, 324, 970-972, 1049-1050, 1057, 1194, 2412-2413

Taillieu, 1597

Education system. See also Mathematics education; PAX program; Post-secondary education; Stay-in-school initiatives

Class sizes, cap on

Allan, 116-117, 252-253, 1684, 1742, 1743-1746, 2477

Allum, 552

Altemeyer, 515

Bjornson, 240-241

Cullen, 116-117, 177

Friesen, 452, 1742, 1743-1746

Gaudreau, 358

Graydon, 127

Helwer, 65

Oswald, 494

Pettersen, 88, 2477

Selinger, 480, 838

Struthers, 321

Taillieu, 247-248

Wiebe, 216

Class sizes, implementation and costs

Allan, 1742-1743, 1745, 1747-1749, 1752-1756

Friesen, 1742-1743, 1747-1749, 1751-1756

Funding increase

Allan, 1683

Selinger, 837, 933

Struthers, 443-444

Government record

Cullen, 1612-1613

McFadyen, 343

Grade scale, grades 7 and 8

Allan, 1894

Ewasko, 1894

High school graduation rates

Allan, 1685, 1896-1897

Ewasko, 2453

Friesen, 452, 1896-1897, 2457-2458

Gerrard, 168, 2147

Selinger, 837, 933-934

Late assignment policy

Allan, 1882

Friesen, 1882-1883

Mandatory school-age attendance

Allan, 1897

Friesen, 1897, 2459

Pettersen, 88

Selinger, 837

No-fail policy

Allan, 1882

Friesen, 1882

Numeracy and literacy funding

Allan, 378, 1884-1885

Friesen, 1883-1885

Report cards

French template accuracy

Allan, 1879-1881, 1884

Friesen, 1878-1881

Individual education plan

Allan, 1894

Ewasko, 1894


Allan, 252, 1292, 1684, 1755-1763, 1877-1878, 1892-1893

Braun, 1292

Ewasko, 1892-1893

Friesen, 452, 1756-1763, 1877-1878

Rural transportation concerns

Rowat, 651

Science classroom renewal fund

Allan, 1684

Special needs students, integration of

Selinger, 839

Student test scores

Allan, 1881-1882, 1895

Cullen, 511

Ewasko, 2453

Friesen, 58, 442, 1881, 1895, 2457-2458

Gerrard, 549

McFadyen, 836-837

Selinger, 836-837

Stefanson, 662

Taillieu, 539

Technical vocational training

Bjornson, 488

Ewasko, 1491

Rondeau, 1486-1487

Selinger, 297, 655

Education system–curriculum

Art, importance of

Wight, 557

French language consultation committee

Allan, 1879-1881, 1884-1885

Friesen, 1879-1881, 1884-1885

Mathematics upgrades

Allan, 1887-1888, 1891

Friesen, 1886-1888, 2458

Gerrard, 314, 1891

McFadyen, 342-344, 838-839, 845

Selinger, 314, 838-845

Parental ability to opt-out

Allan, 1897

Friesen, 1897

Physical education

Altemeyer, 626

Education Week

Braun, 387

Eichler, Ralph (Lakeside) P.C.

Active Transportation Advisory Group recommendations, 2353

Addictions treatment

Facility expansions, 1663-1664

Out-of-province treatment, 1663-1664

Rehabilitation costs, 1664

Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Department

Estimates, 1254-1257

Agriculture industry

Forage restoration program, 584

Hay trailer regulation updates, 1381

AgriRecovery Program

Federal/provincial funding percentage, 822

All-weather road network project status, 1375

Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS)

Environmental use, 1213

Aquifer management plans, 2156-2157

Assiniboine Avenue (Winnipeg)

Bicycle path, 2353

Bezan, James, 531

Bicycle paths

Assiniboine Avenue (Winnipeg), 2353

CentrePort Canada, lack of plans, 2353

Bike to the Future membership, 2353

Bill C-19 (federal)

Residual issues, 1066

Brandon Airport

Upgrades project status, 1373


Environmental licensing legislation, 699

Federal/provincial funding percentage, 695

Budget 2012

Debate, 580-586

Deficit increase and elimination timeline, 1602

Election promises, government record, 2324

Rural communities, impact on, 581

Tax and fee increase, 581

Women, impact on, 1602

Bus transportation

Government initiatives, 690

Intercity bus system, 1379-1380

Caring for our Watersheds program, 1591

Cattle industry

Lagoon update requirements, 2430

Restoration program, 148-149

CentrePort Canada

Bicycle paths, lack of plans, 2353

Project status, 583, 687-688

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 2430

Community pastures

Closures, 974

Correctional services

Rehabilitation programs, need for, 1633

Coulter bridge

Replacement priority and funding, 698

Crime and criminal increase, 1633

Disaster Financial Assistance

Advance funding, 821

Claim application deadlines, 1252

Fraudulent claims, protection from, 1252

Program concerns, 2209

Drivers and Vehicles Amendment Act (Licence plates for Volunteer Firefighters)

[Bill 206]

1 R, 437


Provincial comparisons, 583-584

Education Property Tax Credit

Seniors, increase for, 149, 1603, 2324

Executive Council

Estimates, 974-976, 981

Fairford Dam

Outlet capacity, 1250

Farmland School Tax Rebate, 584, 981, 1603, 2324

Finance Department

Estimates, 820-822

First Nations communities

Flood evacuees, government response, 1253


Evacuation policies, 1253

Fraud assistance for claimants, 822

Municipal income loss, interest coverage, 820

Municipal tax base losses, 936

Regulatory levels, 585-586

Flooding (Lake Manitoba)

Property inspection and cleanup delays, 1252

Security costs, 820

Flooding (Shoal lakes)

Buyout program, 640, 1254-1256, 2430

Compensation for livestock producers, 118

Infrastructure damage, 148

Mitigation strategies, 640


Claim application process, 15-16, 146-147, 308-309, 1256, 2018-2019

Claim deadlines, 821

Claim delays, 585, 974-975, 2208

Government record, 2324-2325

Income loss coverage, 586

Rural municipalities, omission of, 820, 936, 975


Government strategies, 582, 821

Gas tax increase, 331-332, 581-582

Government buildings, management of, 688

Greyhound Canada

Government funding, 1379

Grogan-Kalnuk, Katrina, 338

Groundwater and Water Well and Related Amendments Act

[Bill 25]

2 R, 2155-2157

Gun control

Long gun purchases, record-keeping, 1066

Healthy Living, Seniors and Consumer Affairs Department

Estimates, 1663-1664

Highway 5 bridge upgrade requirements, 1371

Highway 6 upgrade requirements, 583, 1373-1374, 1851-1852

Highway 21 bridge repair status, 698

Highway 52 and Hespeler (Steinbach)

Traffic light installation, 698

Highway 227 bridge repair status, 700

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Inter-City Bus Service)

[Bill 5]

2 R, 2094-2095

Carrier agreements, 2094-2095

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Powers of Traffic Authorities over Cycling Traffic)

[Bill 32]

Consultations, lack of, 2353-2354

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Speed Limits in School Zones)

[Bill 3]

2 R, 2092-2093

Local government authority, 2092

Highways and roads

Hay trailer regulation updates, 1381

Highway construction, project cancellations, 581, 701

Infrastructure funding, 331, 581, 693

Paving costs, 1381

Speed limit update, 1381-1382

Wildlife collisions, reduction strategies, 1381-1384

Holodomor Memorial Day, 531

Howard-Scott, Zander, 338

Income tax rates

Increases, 582-583

Infrastructure and Transportation Department

Capital budget, 692, 701

Contract awards, 690

Departmental initiatives, announcement of, 690

Estimates, 687-701, 1250-1253, 1371-1375, 1378-1384

Opening statements, 687-688

Federal transfer money, 695

General assets, amortization, 694-695

Ministerial travel expenditures, 691

Premier's travel expenditures, 691

Staffing, 689, 696-697

Staffing, political, 688-689

Staffing, retirements, 691-692

James Armstrong Richardson International Airport, 42

Jenpeg Generating Station

Maximum outflow and capacity, 1251-1252

Lake Manitoba

Fairford Dam outlet capacity, 1250

Outflow management, 1251

Lake St. Martin–emergency channel

Construction and costs, 147-148

Lake Winnipeg

Outflow from Lake Manitoba, 1252

Windstorm compensation coverage, 1252

Local Government Department

Estimates, 1704

Local Urban Districts

Application (Stony Mountain), 1704

Lynn Lake Airport

Status and funding, 1374-1375

Lynn Lake road access, 1375

Manitoba Airport Assistance Program budget, 1378-1379

Manitoba Beef Producers

Budget 2012, response to, 584

Manitoba Hydro

Public Utilities Board, accountability to, 1602

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Vehicle registration fee increase, 581, 1602

Members' statements

Bezan, James, 531

Caring for our Watersheds program, 1591

James Armstrong Richardson International Airport, 42

Quarry Park Heritage Arts Centre, 338

Taylor, Bill, 769

Memorial Cross of Petliura, 531

Mobility Disadvantaged Transportation Program

Regional Incentive Grant and long-term planning, 1380-1381

Municipal infrastructure concerns and funding, 582

New West Partnership Trade Agreement

Manitoba participation, 1603

Opposition day motion

Government program reviews, 1602-1603

Premier and cabinet ministers

Legal accountability, 2324-2325

Oral Questions

Flooding (Shoal lakes)

Buyout program, 640

Compensation for livestock producers, 118


Claim application process, 15-16, 308-309

Rural municipalities, omission of, 936

Gas tax increase, 331-332

Highway 6 upgrade requirements, 1851-1852

Portage Diversion Compensation Act (Water Resources Administration Act Amended)

[Bill 217]

Government support, 2018-2019, 2236-2237

Water management policies

Water level strategies, 231

Wildlife, orphaned

Bear cub status update, 597-598

Perimeter Highway

South bridge repair update, 1372-1373

West bridge repair update, 696, 1372-1373

Personal care homes (Ashern), 149, 2123


Personal care homes (Ashern), 2123

Photo radar

Digital upgrade status, 697-698

Points of Order

P/O by Eichler agreeing that motion be printed in Hansard, 389

P/O by Eichler requesting leave for Bill 217 to be debated, 2208-2209

P/O by Eichler requesting leave to accept resolution as printed, 871

Portage Diversion Compensation Act (Water Resources Administration Act Amended)

[Bill 217]

1 R, 2059

2 R, 2207-2210

Government support, 2018-2019, 2236-2237, 2325

Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration

Community pasture closures, 974

Provincial debt increase, 1602

Provincial sales tax–proposed increase

Insurance industry, application to, 584

Quarry Park Heritage Arts Centre, 338

Rapid transit (Winnipeg)

Funding percentage, 1379

Regional health authorities

Amalgamations, 1603


Active transportation, 2352-2354

Drainage inside the dike project, 1212-1213

Recidivism in Manitoba, 1633-1634

School zones

Speed limit reduction, 2092

Shellmouth Dam

Reservoir capacity level, 1212

Small Communities Transit Fund

Long-term planning, 1380-1381

Sports tickets, professional

Members of the Legislative Assembly use, policy on, 2324

St. Norbert Water Stewardship Coalition, 1204

Sturgeon Road (Winnipeg)

Bridge repair status, 700

Summit Road (Rosser)

Bridge repair status, 700


Education Property Tax Credit, 149

Taxicab Board members, 1381

Taylor, Bill, 769

Throne Speech debate, 146-149

Trucking industry

Load restrictions, harmonization, 687

Waste-water treatment plants

Upgrade prioritization, 582

Water and sewer infrastructure

Budget increase, 693

Water management policies

Drain management responsibility, 1213

Partnerships (Saskatchewan), 1212-1213

Water level strategies, 147-148, 231

Water Stewardship Department

Departmental transfer, 690

Water wells

Abandoned, sealing of, 2156

Drilling, licensing and standards, 2155

Flood protection, 2156

Geothermal well use, 2155

Wildlife, orphaned

Bear cub status update, 597-598, 975-976

Winnipeg Trails Association, 2353

Women's Correctional Centre

Construction contract tenders, 1371-1372

Project status and costs, 687

Election Advertising Integrity Act (Elections Finances Act Amended) (Bill 219)

1 R

Goertzen, 2301

2 R

Dewar, 2445-2446

Goertzen, 2441-2443

Howard, 2443-2445

Taillieu, 2445

Electronic advertising, party leader authorization

Dewar, 2446

Goertzen, 2441-2442

Howard, 2443-2444

Taillieu, 2445

Election campaign (2011). See also Grievance, Matters of

Minister of Health, call for resignation

Goertzen, 762-763

McFadyen, 761

Oswald, 762-763

Selinger, 761-762

Stefanson, 761-762

Regulation breaches, government

Driedger, 1948, 2330-2331

Ewasko, 2335

Friesen, 785

Gerrard, 675, 2050-2051

Goertzen, 669-670

Howard, 2319

McFadyen, 668-669, 760, 2321-2322

Oswald, 1949

Schuler, 2201, 2257, 2326-2327

Selinger, 668-670, 675, 760-761, 785

Stefanson, 2325-2326

Taillieu, 2264-2265, 2318-2319

Wishart, 2332

Election Financing Act and Elections Amendment Act (Bill 33)

1 R

Howard, 1345-1346

2 R

Gerrard, 2266

Goertzen, 2266-2268

Howard, 2263-2264

Taillieu, 2264-2266

Referred to Standing Committee on Human Resources


Gerrard, 2506-2507, 2508-2509

Goertzen, 2507-2508

Howard, 2503, 2506, 2508

Taillieu, 2503, 2505-2506

C/3 R

Gerrard, 2523

Taillieu, 2523


Lee, 2528


Clause 2, schedule B

Gerrard, 2506-2507

Howard, 2506

Taillieu, 2505-2506

defeated, 2507

Clause 61, schedule A

Gerrard, 2508

Goertzen, 2508

Howard, 2508

defeated, 2509

Clause 93

Gerrard, 2505

Howard, 2504

Taillieu, 2503

defeated, 2505

Government intent

Goertzen, 1285-1286

Selinger, 1285-1286

Elections. See also Voter Identification Act (Elections Act Amended)


Pedersen, 772

Amendments to legislation

Schuler, 2326-2327

Blackout period, government announcements

Gerrard, 2266

Goertzen, 1285

Selinger, 1285

Boundary changes

Swan, 2107

Breaches, removal of minister from Cabinet

Gerrard, 2504

Howard, 2504

Taillieu, 2503

Election dates, flexibility

Gerrard, 2506-2507

Howard, 2506

Taillieu, 2505

Election regulations

Howard, 2320

Electronic advertising, party leader approval

Gerrard, 2508

Goertzen, 2508

Howard, 2508

Online voting concerns

Goertzen, 2447

Permanent voter list viability

Howard, 2264

Political party advertising

Dewar, 2446

Howard, 2444-2445

Taillieu, 2445

Political party financing

Goertzen, 1285

Selinger, 1285

Pre-electoral time period

Selinger, 760-761

Regulation breaches, government record

Goertzen, 669-670, 683-684

McFadyen, 669

Set election date flexibility

Goertzen, 2266

Howard, 2264

Volunteers, importance of

Chief, 2448-2450

Voter identification requirement

Chief, 2448-2449

Goertzen, 2446

Howard, 2451-2452

Stefanson, 2450

Taillieu, 2265-2266

Voter turnout

Chief, 2448

Gerrard, 2265

Goertzen, 2442, 2447-2448

McFadyen, 340

Elections (1995)

Commission recommendations

Howard, 617

Elections Manitoba, investigation by

Chomiak, 2102-2103

Swan, 2106

Elections (1999)

Misconduct allegations

Schuler, 2104, 2198-2199

Elections Manitoba office. See also Elections Manitoba office in Legislative Affairs Committee

Elections, investigations of (1995)

Chomiak, 2102-2103

Swan, 2106

Independent officers

Chomiak, 2102-2103

Schuler, 2105

Electric vehicles. See also Low-speed vehicles; Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Commercial bus initiative

Altemeyer, 2243

Chomiak, 1986-1987, 2243

Cullen, 1986-1987

Government subsidies

Chomiak, 1986

Cullen, 1986

Northland Machinery pilot program

Chomiak, 1986

Pedersen, 1986

Testing initiatives

Chomiak, 203

University of Winnipeg project

Chomiak, 1987

Pedersen, 1987

eLibraries Manitoba

e-book resources partnership

Marcelino, F., 1951

Elk population

Chronic wasting disease, strategy for

Kostyshyn, 1176-1177

Mackintosh, 1091-1092

Pedersen, 1176

Wishart, 1091, 1177

Elmwood Community Recreation Review


Maloway, 648

Elmwood High School

Environmental programs

Maguire, 2315

Email, Legislature attendance invitation. See also Civil service; Privilege, matters of; Rempel, Ben

Appropriateness of

Melnick, 670-672

Selinger, 671-672

Stefanson, 671

Taillieu, 670-671, 679-680

Directives on

Melnick, 1958, 1961, 1968-1969

Taillieu, 1958, 1961, 1968

Disciplinary action for

Gerrard, 620-621

Selinger, 621

Distribution of

Cullen, 2108

Friesen, 1605

Melnick, 1957-1963, 2130-2131, 2170-2171, 2399-2340

Schuler, 2104

Struthers, 2241

Taillieu, 1956-1963, 2130, 2170-2171, 2241, 2399-2340, 2402-2403

Information requests

Gaudreau, 2001

Taillieu, 1994

Minister's directives on

Gerrard, 628

Goertzen, 617-618

Howard, 616-618

Melnick, 623, 636-637, 763-765

Mitchelson, 636-637, 764-765

Taillieu, 616-617, 623, 763-764

Political involvement

Gerrard, 405

Melnick, 378

Selinger, 378

Taillieu, 378-379

Premier's accountability

Gerrard, 620-621

Selinger, 620-621

Standing committee, request for

Goertzen, 618-619

Howard, 618-619

Melnick, 624, 637-638

Taillieu, 623, 637-638

Emergency Measures Office

Emergency co-ordinators, role and funding

Ashton, 1244-1245

Ewasko, 1244-1245

Flood forecasting funding

Ashton, 1240

Emergency Medical Services Branch

Medical Advisory committee, meeting schedule

Driedger, 2288

Oswald, 2287

Medical director, absence of

Driedger, 2287

Oswald, 2287

Emergency rooms. See also Manitoba Transportation Co-ordination Centre


Cullen, 1843, 2189-2190

Maguire, 1845

Community volunteer services

Cullen, 2190

Patient wait times

Driedger, 2472

Goertzen, 154-155

McFadyen, 2406

Oswald, 154-155

Selinger, 2406

Patients leaving before examination

Driedger, 2239-2240

Oswald, 2240


Selinger, 2407


Oswald, 2069

Scheduled appointment policy

Driedger, 1582-1583, 2472

Oswald, 1582-1583, 2472

Triage wait times

Driedger, 2240

Oswald, 2240

Emerson Border crossing expansion

Ashton, 686

Emerson fruit orchard

Graydon, 2137-2138

Employee Pensions and Other Costs


Debate, 1064

Supplementary Information for Legislative Review

Struthers, 564

Employment and Income Assistance Program. See also Industry Expansion Program; RentAid program; Taking Charge! program

Benefit application process

Bjornson, 1735-1736

Smook, 1735

Budget estimates

Bjornson, 1733-1734

Smook, 1733-1734

Caseload increase

Bjornson, 1734, 2021-2022

Mackintosh, 293

Smook, 1734, 2021-2022

Cost-of-living increase

Bjornson, 1738

Smook, 1738

Departmental transfer

Bjornson, 1721, 1724, 1735-1736

Howard, 1190, 1270-1271, 1275-1276

McFadyen, 726

Mitchelson, 1267, 1269-1270, 1275-1276

Selinger, 726

Smook, 1724, 1735-1736

Departmental transfer, service concerns

Howard, 1274-1275, 1415-1417

Mitchelson, 1274-1275, 1414

Employment training programs

Bjornson, 1734, 1739

Smook, 1734, 1739

Flood-related costs

Howard, 1572

Schuler, 1572

Housing allowance

Gerrard, 335, 1854-1855, 1916-1917

Howard, 1854-1855

Irvin-Ross, 1916-1917

Selinger, 335

Index rates

Gerrard, 2475

Selinger, 2476

Intake co-ordinator, job description

Bjornson, 1735-1736

Smook, 1735-1736

Joint funding recipients

Bjornson, 1738-1739

Smook, 1738-1739

Municipal funding

Briese, 1145

Struthers, 1145

Outstanding warrants, benefit denial implementation

Goertzen, 1643

Schuler, 864

Swan, 1643

Persons with disabilities, employment programs

Howard, 1277

Mitchelson, 1276-1278

Reformation recommendations

Bjornson, 1740

Smook, 1740

Staffing, accounting and finance

Howard, 1272-1273

Mitchelson, 1272-1273

Staffing, information technology

Howard, 1271-1272

Mitchelson, 1271-1272

Employment Manitoba

Funding and initiatives

Bjornson, 1721

Employment rates. See Economy

Employment Standards Division

Howard, 1463

Enabling Appropriations and Other Appropriations


Debate, 1063-1064


Stefanson, 1063

Struthers, 1063

Supplementary Information for Legislative Review

Struthers, 564

End of life care. See Highway 6 Palliative Care Dinner Theatre; Palliative care

Energy, affordable. See Affordable Energy Fund

Energy efficiency plans

Government initiatives

Cullen, 2252

Energy Jobs Fund

Criteria and access

Chomiak, 1814

Energy Opportunities Office

Business support

Chomiak, 1814

General comments

Allum, 552

Altemeyer, 514

Marcelino, F., 474

Energy Savings Act (Bill 24)

1 R

Chomiak, 883

2 R

Chomiak, 1818-1819

Cullen, 2251-2253

Gerrard, 1819-1821

Helwer, 2249-2251

Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development

C/3 R

Gerrard, 2522

Helwer, 2521-2522


Lee, 2528

Consultations, need for

Gerrard, 2522

Helwer, 2521-2522

Fund dispersal authority

Cullen, 2251

Helwer, 2249

Energy strategy, national

Manitoba participation

Chomiak, 1983

Cullen, 1983

English as an additional language program

Adult programs

Melnick, 1954-1955

Funding increase

Allan, 1356, 1684, 1792

Marcelino, T., 1356

Melnick, 2401

Selinger, 837

General comments

Selinger, 396

Enhanced identification cards


Briese, 656

Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade Department

Advertising budget

Bjornson, 1733

Smook, 1732-1733

Annual report

Bjornson, 222


Debate, 1721-1742

Opening statements

Bjornson, 1721-1723

Smook, 1723


Bjornson, 1721-1741

Smook, 1723-1736, 1738-1741

Taillieu, 1736-1738

Expenditure estimates

Bjornson, 1733

Smook, 1733

Funding sources

Bjornson, 1735

Smook, 1734-1735

Ministerial travel expenditures

Bjornson, 1725-1726

Smook, 1725-1726

Pension costs budget

Bjornson, 1734

Smook, 1734

Premier's travel expenditures

Bjornson, 1726

Smook, 1725

Salary expenditures

Bjornson, 1725

Smook, 1725

Scott Smith, job appointment

Bjornson, 1726

Social program availability

Bjornson, 1738

Smook, 1738

Staffing, political

Bjornson, 1724-1725

Smook, 1724

Staffing, relocations

Bjornson, 1725

Smook, 1725

Staffing, vacancy rate

Bjornson, 1725

Smook, 1725

Supplementary Information for Legislative Review

Bjornson, 1346

Environment. See also Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS); Experimental Lakes Area research centre; Lake Winnipeg; Wetland protection; World Environment Day

Provincial strategy

Chomiak, 1987

Cullen, 1987

Wishart, 554

Environment Canada

Hydrometric stations, funding of

Ashton, 1240

Environmental Farm Plan

Update and costs

Kostyshyn, 1391-1392

Pedersen, 1391-1392

enVision Community Living. See Giesbrecht, Jake

Equifax Canada. See Student Aid program

Erb, Marnie

Taillieu, 1517-1518

Ewasko, Wayne (Lac du Bonnet) P.C.

Aboriginal students

High school graduation rates, 2454

Addictions Foundation of Manitoba

School-based programs, 2454

Adult learning centres

Enrolment statistics, 1677

Program evaluations, 1677

Adult Literacy Strategy

Provincial comparisons, 1677

Advanced Education and Literacy Department

Acting deputy minister, qualifications of, 1554

Associate deputy minister, position and salary, 1456-1459

Estimates, 1397-1398, 1441-1462, 1541-1549, 1550-1551, 1553-1556, 1558-1561, 1677-1678

Ministerial travel expenditures, 1554-1556, 1558

Special assistant, salary, 1458-1459

Staffing, 1456

All-weather road network

Lake Winnipeg east side, 545

Apprenticeship Recognition Act

[Bill 212]

2 R, 1490-1492

Apprenticeship training

Apprentice-to-journeyperson ratio, 1492

Journeypersons, average age of, 1491

Public education, 1492

Assiniboine Community College

Budget allotment, 1548

Phase 3 development, 1549

Beausejour 100th anniversary, 1515-1516

Brandon University

Enrolment, 1543-1544, 2143

Faculty strike, government response, 543, 1545

General comments, 2142

Brandon University Northern Teachers Education Program

Cancellation, 2143

Brighter Futures program

Budget and departmental responsibility, 1397-1398

Evaluation, 1442

Funding criteria, 1441

Student participation, 1398

Budget 2012

Core government spending, 1609

Debate, 543-545

Deficit increase and elimination timeline, 1609

Election promises, government record, 481, 542, 545, 2334-2335

Tax and fee increase, 1609

Bullying prevention

Mitigation programs, 2117

Statistics, 2117

Campus Manitoba

Budget allotment, 1550

Canadian Federation of Students

Working group meetings, 1453

Canadian Mennonite University

Grants and graduation rates, 1548-1549

Canadian Power Toboggan Championship races, 1515


Federal website, post-secondary cost estimates, 1451

Cell phone service

Emergency coverage, rural, 98

Child poverty increase, 543, 2454

Children and Youth Opportunities Department

Budget, 2293

Estimates, 2292-2298

Opening statements, 2292

External agency grants, 2293-2294

Mandate and priorities, 2294-2295

Reconciliation statements, 2296-2297

Youth specific programs, 2295-2296

Conservation and Water Stewardship Department

Estimates, 812-813, 900-904, 1090-1091

Staffing, seasonal employment, 1090

Crime and criminals

Violent crime increase, 2454

Crown lands

Off-road vehicle use policy, 812-813

Curling (sport), 1652-1653

Duck Mountain Provincial Park

Off-road vehicle use policy, 900

Education Department

Estimates, 1878, 1892-1894

Education Property Tax Credit

Seniors, increase for, 481, 545, 1609, 2335, 2412-2413

Education system

Grade scale, grades 7 and 8, 1894

High school graduation rates, 2453

Report cards

Individual education plan, 1894

Standardization, 1892-1893

Student test scores, 2453

Technical vocational training, 1491

Election campaign (2011)

Regulation breaches, government, 2335

Emergency Measures Office

Emergency co-ordinators, role and funding, 1244-1245

Executive Council

Code of conduct policy, 2197

Family Services and Labour Department

Estimates, 1403-1404

Farmland School Tax Rebate, 2335

Fitness and Amateur Sport Act

Departmental responsibility, 2297-2298

Flooding forecasting accuracy, 544

Food banks

Children, increased use by, 543, 2454

Foster care

Background checks and policies, 1403-1404

Family training programs, 1404

Freedom of information requests

Manitoba Hydro, record by, 2011

Response times, 2011

Winnipeg Free Press, requests by, 2012

Healthy Child Manitoba

Budget, 2293-2294

Mandate, 741

Hearing and speech programs

Hearing loss, infant statistics, 741

Regional health authority availability, 741

Henry, Rory

Associate deputy minister, appointment of, 1456, 1458-1459, 1553-1555

Highway 302 upgrade requirements, 1246

Highway 304 upgrade requirements, 98, 544, 941, 1247

Highways and roads

Spring road restrictions, 1247

Upgrade requirements, 98

Income tax rates

Increases, 1141-1142

Infrastructure and Transportation Department

Estimates, 1244-1247

Insurance industry–proposed increase

Provincial sales tax, application of, 482

Junior Rangers program funding, 1926

Kennedy, Sheldon, 2117

Kronos software

Departmental use, 1453

Manitoba Curling Hall of Fame

Usackis, John, 1653

Manitoba Hydro

Emergency rate increase request, 1610

First Nations communities, employment opportunities, 545

Freedom of information requests, 2011

Manitoba Hydro–Bipole III

Location costs, 544-545

Manitoba Model Forest funding, 1090, 1925-1926

Mars Hills Wildlife Management Area

Vehicle traffic restrictions, 545

Members' statements

Beausejour 100th anniversary, 1515-1516

Otto, Robyn, 1836-1857

Sagkeeng's Finest, 1294

Usackis, John, 1652-1653

Midwifery training

Cancellation, 787

Clinical training opportunities, 1561

Graduates, lack of, 542

Interprovincial training agreements, 1561

Program consolidation, 1560-1561

Military affairs special envoy

Bonnie Korzeniowski, appointment of, 543, 2197

Ministerial statements

Sagkeeng's Finest, 1347-1348

Moose population

Area 26, hunting closure, 545

Restoration plans, 37-38

Municipal Amendment and City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment Act (Defamation Protection)

[Bill 205]

Government support, 1609-1610

NOR-MAN Regional Health Authority

Mismanagement, minister's knowledge, 2186-2187

Nursing profession

Recruitment and retention, 1547

Training program wait times, 1545-1547

Opposition day motion

Government program reviews, 1609-1610

Premier and cabinet ministers

Legal accountability, 2334-2335

Oral Questions

Budget 2012

Election promises, government record, 481

Education Property Tax Credit

Seniors, increase for, 481, 2412-2413

Highway 304 upgrade requirements, 941

Income tax rates

Increases, 1141-1142

Manitoba Model Forest funding, 1925-1926

Midwifery training cancellation, 787

Moose population restoration plans, 37-38

Pinawa Hospital closure, 2176, 2312

Provincial sales tax–proposed increase

Property insurance, application to, 482

Otto, Robyn, 1836-1857

Park Avenue (Beausejour)

Project status, 1245-1246

Pinawa Hospital closure, 2176, 2312

Post-secondary education

Articulation and credit transfers, 1459-1462, 1542

Bursaries and scholarships, 2141-2142

Enrolment increase, 543

Graduation rates, 2453

International students, health-care coverage, 1454-1455

Special needs students, budget for, 1551

Tuition fees, 1452, 2142-2143, 2525

Tuition fees, international students, 2143

Tuition increases to inflation, 2141

Visually-impaired students, budget for, 1551

Protecting Affordability for University Students Act (Council on Post-Secondary Education Act Amended)

[Bill 2]

2 R, 2141-2144

C/3 R, 2524-2525

Colleges, exclusion of, 2525

Consultations, 2143-2144

Providence College

Grants and graduation rates, 1548-1549

Provincial Road 520 upgrade requirements, 1246

Provincial sales tax–proposed increase

Property insurance, application to, 482

Public Schools Amendment Act (Code of Conduct for School Trustees)

[Bill 21]

2 R, 2196-2197

Government intent, 2197

Public Schools Amendment Act (Reporting Bullying and Other Harm)

Implementation, 2116-2118

Red River College

Nursing program wait times, 1545-1546

Skilled Trades and and Technology Centre funding, 1492

Regional health authorities

Accountability, 2188

Administration costs, 2187-2188

Amalgamations, 543

Amalgamations, rural impact, 2187

CEO accountability, 2186

Revenue use, ancillary fees, 2187-2188

Regional Health Authorities Amendment Act (Improved Fiscal Responsibility and Community Involvement)

[Bill 6]

2 R, 2186-2188


Bullying prevention, 2116-2118

Freedom of Information requests, fairness, 2011-2012

Provincial government fails Manitoba's youth, 2452-2454

Respect in School program, 2117-2118

Richardson College for the Environment and Science Complex

Funding concerns, 1559-1560

Safe Schools Charter implementation, 2117

Sagkeeng's Finest, 1294, 1347-1348

School divisions

Amalgamation cost savings (2000), 2186-2187

Bus transport restrictions, 1878

School trustees

Censure and enforcement, 2196

Code of conduct standards, 2196-2197

Sanction appeal process, 2197

Steinbach Bible College

Grants and graduation rates, 1548-1549

Student Aid program

Eligibility and availability timeline, 1450-1451

Loan status errors notification, 1446-1449, 1541-1542

Student Financial Aid Information System

Contract tender and costs, 1443-1445

Implementation timeline, 1449

Quality assurances, 1445-1446

Updates, 543, 1442-1443, 1449

Sunday shopping hours

Increase, 544

Throne Speech debate, 96-99

Trails Working Group, 900

Tuition Fee Income Tax Rebate

Evaluation, 2453

Public education, 1452

Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Act

[Bill 202]

2 R, 740-741

University College of the North

General comments, 2142

Midwifery program cancellation, 787

University of Manitoba

Faculty amalgamations, 1542-1543

General comments, 2142

University of Winnipeg

General comments, 2142

Richardson College for the Environment and Science Complex, 1559-1560

Usackis, John, 1652-1653

Wabanong Anishinabe Interpretive Learning Centre

Funding, 98

Tourist volume estimates, 544, 941

William and Catherine Booth College

Grants and graduation rates, 1548-1549

Winnipeg Free Press

Freedom of information, requests for, 2012

YMCA-YWCA Women of Distinction awards, 1856

Young offenders

Crime rate increase, 2454

Remand custody, 2454

Excess Moisture Assistance Program

Ashton, 1586

Cullen, 824

Struthers, 713-714, 824

Wishart, 713

Executive Council. See also Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Conflict of Interest Amendment Act (Cooling-Off Periods Related to Independent Officers)

Cabinet committees and members

McFadyen, 721-722

Selinger, 721-723

Code of conduct policy

Ewasko, 2197

Friesen, 2196

Schuler, 2198-2199

Cost-measurement policies

McFadyen, 724

Selinger, 724

Departmental travel reductions

Struthers, 321


Answer timeline

McFadyen, 980

Selinger, 980-981

Debate, 717-735, 832-857, 916-929, 973-984

Opening statements

McFadyen, 719

Selinger, 717-719


Eichler, 974-976, 981

Gerrard, 848-857

Goertzen, 916-918

Maguire, 925-929

McFadyen, 719-734, 832-847, 976-983

Schuler, 919-924

Selinger, 717-735, 833-857, 916-929, 974-982

Ministers and deputy ministers, statistics

Cullen, 2108

McFadyen, 725, 834

Selinger, 718, 725, 834

Premier's salary

McFadyen, 983

Priorities and Planning Committee of Cabinet

McFadyen, 723

Selinger, 723

Severance payments

McFadyen, 832-833

Selinger, 833

Staffing, contract positions

McFadyen, 721, 723, 725

Selinger, 721, 723, 725

Staffing, political

McFadyen, 833

Selinger, 833

Staffing, Premier's senior staff

McFadyen, 720

Selinger, 720

Staffing, reclassification

McFadyen, 721

Selinger, 721

Staffing and salaries

McFadyen, 720, 723-724

Selinger, 720, 723-724

Travel expenditures

McFadyen, 724

Selinger, 724-725

Experimental Lakes Area research centre

Government support

Gerrard, 1587-1588, 1650, 2133

Selinger, 1587-1588, 1651, 2133


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