Public Accounts Index - 3rd Session - 39th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Public Accounts Index


Parr, Jeff (Labour and Immigration Department)

Workplace Safety and Health–Auditor General's report (2007)

Administration penalty enforcements, 118-119

Investigation officers, issuing of improvement orders, 125-127

Opening remarks, 116-118

Policies and procedures manual update, 127

Recommendations implementation report, 119, 124

Pedersen, Blaine (Carman) P.C.

La Broquerie, Rural Municipality of–Auditor General's report (2008)

Mismanagement allegations investigation, 44-45

Pharmacare program

Auditor General's report (2006)

Annual report effectiveness

Bellringer, 39

Driedger, 39

Drug information systems

Driedger, 38

Wilgosh, 38

Evaluation framework report

Driedger, 35

Wilgosh, 35

Formulary updates, generic drugs

Driedger, 36-37

Wilgosh, 36-37

Opening remarks

Bellringer, 34

Pharmacare cost escalations

Driedger, 35

Wilgosh, 35

Recommendations implementation

Bellringer, 38-39

Driedger, 34

Stefanson, 38-39

Wilgosh, 34

Report passed, 39

Utilization management agreements

Driedger, 37-38

Wilgosh, 37-38

Auditor General's report (2008)

Deductibles, income level brackets

Driedger, 31

Oswald, 31

Employee manuals, updates

Martindale, 30

Wilgosh, 30

Formulary updates, generic drugs

Driedger, 31

Wilgosh, 31

Monthly deductible payments

Driedger, 34

Howard, 29

Wilgosh, 29, 34

Opening remarks

Bellringer, 26

Patient medication management strategy

Driedger, 27

Wilgosh, 27

Pharmaceutical purchases, payer program analysis

Borotsik, 28-29, 31-32

Lamoureux, 29-30

Maguire, 32

Oswald, 28-29

Wilgosh, 29, 31-32

Pharmacy claim analysis and audits

Driedger, 27

Wilgosh, 27

Professional fee compliance

Driedger, 30

Wilgosh, 30

Public communication strategy

Driedger, 26-27

Martindale, 30

Wilgosh, 26-27, 30

Report passed, 34

Third-party insurer defaults

Borotsik, 32

Oswald, 31-32

Points of order

P/O by Howard requesting clarification if question would be better suited to Estimates, 30

Chairperson's ruling (Derkach), 30

Province of Manitoba, Image Campaign for–Auditor General's report (2007). See also Manitoba Promotion Council; Spirited Energy campaign

Opening remarks

Bellringer, 131

Eliasson, 131-132

Report passed, 137

Start Living website contract tender

Eliasson, 133

Rowat, 133

Public Accounts–Auditor General's report (2007), 1

Accounting principles recommendations

Bellringer, 3-4

Lamoureux, 2

Personal care homes, reporting entities

Bellringer, 4-5

Martindale, 4-5

Report passed, 6

Public Accounts–Auditor General's report (2008)

Audits, committee reports

Bellringer, 13-14

Lamoureux, 13-14

Crown corporations, audit ability

Bellringer, 11

Borotsik, 10

Financial reports, tabling timelines

Bellringer, 12

Borotsik, 12

Selinger, 12

Government reporting entities, audits

Bellringer, 12-13

Lamoureux, 12-13

International financial reporting standards, effect on office

Bellringer, 11

Borotsik, 10-11

Investigation and audit decision process

Bellringer, 11

Borotsik, 11

Office risk management and independence

Bellringer, 6-7

Borotsik, 6-7

Howard, 7-8

Overview decision responsibility

Bellringer, 9-10

Stefanson, 9

Private sector accounting, use of

Bellringer, 8-9

Stefanson, 8-9

Value-for-money audits, time allotment

Bellringer, 7

Borotsik, 7

Public Accounts Committee

Orientation session for Members, 17


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