HOUSE INDEX - 4th Session - 38th Legislature

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


House Index - 4th-38th


Palliative Care Gala

Nevakshonoff, 1659

Parc la Salle School

Garden dedication ceremony

Brick, 703

Parkinson's disease

Bjornson, 1299-1300

Pelican Lake

Fish stock enhancement

Cullen, 326

Struthers, 326-327

Pembina constituency events

Dyck, 2990-2991

Pembina Thresherman's Museum

Dyck, 661

Pembina Trails School Division. See Petitions

Pembina Trails Voices

Driedger, 1628

Pendergast Centre

Jha, 88-89

Penner, Christine

St. John's High School vice-principal

Martindale, 628-629

Penner, Jack (Emerson) P.C.

Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Department

Estimates debate, 3244-3245, 3247

Manitoba Water Protection Act, impact on agriculture, 3244-3245

Budget debate, 1774-1778

Civil Service Employees

Neepawa, 1649, 1892-1893

Condolence, Motions of

Jorgenson, Warner H., 3292-3293

Conservation Districts Amendment Act

[Bill 13]

2R, 1063-1066

Convention Centre Corporation Amendment Act

[Bill 10]

2R, 482

Crocus Investment Fund

Public inquiry, 1240-1241

Devils Lake diversion

Environmental impact, 1499

Filtration system, 371-372, 1630

Government's legal costs, 200

Pollution Stoppage Strategy, 1720-1721

Protection of Manitoba's water supply, 1563

Water testing, 159-160, 200

Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act

[Bill 9]

2R, 552-556

C/3R, 1058-1060

Floods and flooding

Clean-up costs, 1517

Flood conditions, 1430-1431, 1514

Flood forecasting, 1453

Flood mitigation strategies, 1517


World Trade Organization meetings, Manitoba position, 593-595

Health care, rural

Emergency services and emergency rooms, 1758, 2020-2021

Health Services Amendment and Health Services Insurance Amendment Act

[Bill 203]

2R, 356-357

Highways and roads

Highway 201, bridge reconstruction, 2780

Infrastructure, funding, 2299-2300

Manitoba roads, 2287-2289

Status of highway projects, 3047-3048

Highways and Transportation Amendment Act

[Bill 12]

C/3R, 3329-3330

Historic Trans-Canada Highway Act

[Bill 212]

2R, 3020-3022

Jorgenson, Warner H., 3292-3293

Lake Winnipeg

Restoration plan, 623-624

Letellier Bridge, 204

Members' Statements

Crocus Investment Fund, public inquiry, 1240-1241

Devils Lake diversion, 1630

Letellier Bridge, 204

Road Safety Week, 2203

Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges Program, 1763-1764

Thanksgiving (U.S.), 660

Windstorm, costs of, 270

Milk Prices Review Amendment Act

[Bill 213]

2R, 3118-3119

Ministerial Statements

Floods and flooding

Flood conditions, 1430-1431, 1514, 1598

Oral Questions

Devils Lake diversion

Environmental impact, 1499

Filtration system, 371-372

Government's legal costs, 200

Pollution Stoppage Strategy, 1720-1721

Protection of Manitoba's water supply, 1563

Water testing, 159-160, 200

Floods and flooding

Clean-up costs, 1517

Flood forecasting, 1453

Flood mitigation strategies, 1517

Health care, rural

Emergency services and emergency rooms, 1758

Highways and roads

Highway 201, bridge reconstruction, 2780

Infrastructure, funding, 2299-2300

Status of highway projects, 3047-3048

Lake Winnipeg

Restoration plan, 623-624

Red River Floodway expansion

Labour agreement, 84


Drinking water

Boil water advisories, 299

Water quality, regulations

Farmer's concerns, 1278-1279

Water Protection Act

Proposed regulations, 798-799, 850-851


Civil Service Employees, Neepawa, 1649, 1892-1893

Crocus Investment Fund, 1366

Windstorm damage (R.M. of Piney), 318, 521, 693, 875

Points of Order

P/O by Derkach respecting that the Minister for Water Stewardship was obstructing the house by not tabling a document, 1468-1469

Ashton, 1468-1469

Penner, 1469

Speaker's ruling, 1469-1470

Private Members' Business

Health care, rural, 2020-2021

Red River Floodway expansion

Labour agreement, 84

Road Safety Week, 2203

Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges Program, 1763-1764

Thanksgiving (U.S.), 660

Throne Speech debate, 192-193, 206-209

Transportation and Government Services Department

Estimates debate, 2373-2381, 2384-2394

Highway 1, West, 2380-2381

Highway 2, construction, 2389-2390

Highway 10, construction, 2390-2391

Highway 12, reconstruction of dangerous intersection, 2391-2392

Highway 201, Altona, 2394

Highway 201 and Letellier Bridge, 2378

Highways and roads, maintenance expenditures, 2374-2376, 2378, 2386-2388


Drinking water

Boil water advisories, 299

Water quality, regulations

Farmer's concerns, 1278-1279

Water Protection Act

Proposed regulations, 798-799, 850-851

Water Rights Amendment Act

[Bill 14]

2R, 2798-2801

Windstorm, costs of, 270

Winter Heating Cost Control Act

[Bill 11]

2R, 986-990

World Trade Organization meetings

Manitoba position, 593-595

Proposed resolution, 868-869

Penny, Don

Tribute to

Maguire, 1045-1046

Pension Commission of Manitoba

Report tabling

Hickes, 3077

Personal Information Protection and Identity Theft Prevention Act

[Bill 207]


Taillieu, 1033


Allan, 2274-2275

Cullen, 2275-2277

Maloway, 2277-2278

Rowat, 2272-2274

Selinger, 2270-2272

Taillieu, 2269-2270


Architect's Act, amendments

Schuler, 15, 79, 117, 157, 195

Association of Former Manitoba MLAs

Martindale, 1496

Auditor General's budget

Lamoureux, 1872


Drug availability

Reimer, 1366-1367, 1395, 1415, 1445-1446

Stefanson, 1136, 1167-1168, 1191, 1215, 1231-1232, 1252, 1269, 1288, 1365, 1397, 1415-1416, 1446

Funding for drugs

Cullen, 1531-1532, 1616

Driedger, 1648, 1789-1790, 1932, 2027-2028, 2231-2232

Dyck, 1668-1669, 1693, 1752, 1893, 1970, 2141-2142

Eichler, 1511, 2292-2293

Faurschou, 1596-1597, 2193-2194

Goertzen, 1615

Hawranik, 3035

Mitchelson, 1573-1574, 1751-1752, 2193

Reimer, 1445, 1472-1473, 1555-1556

Stefanson, 1466, 1473, 1511-1512, 1531, 1555, 1573, 1596, 1647-1648, 1667, 1713-1714, 1751, 1789, 1969-1970, 2027, 2231

Child and Family Services Division

Child welfare system, public inquiry

Taillieu, 1828, 1893, 1969, 2142, 2292, 2416, 2711, 2772, 2809

Civil Service Employees, Neepawa

Cullen, 1827, 2869, 3076

Cummings, 1496, 1513, 1597, 1618, 1648-1649, 1695-1696, 1753

Eichler, 1827, 2869, 3133

Maguire, 1931, 2977-2978

Penner, 1648

Rocan, 2415, 2571, 3076, 3133

Crocus Investment Fund

Cullen, 1512

Cummings, 1395-1396, 1574

Derkach, 1595

Driedger, 1512-1513, 1556-1557

Dyck, 1396, 1533

Eichler, 1473-1474

Faurschou, 1474, 1647

Goertzen, 1714, 1931

Hawranik, 1365-1366

Lamoureux, 16, 41, 79-80, 118, 195-196, 224-225, 261, 291-292, 318, 369, 397, 456, 493-494, 522, 581-582, 617-618, 693-694, 751, 793, 847, 885, 947, 975-976, 1034-1035, 1070, 1101, 1115, 1135, 1167, 1190-1191, 1214-1215, 1231, 1251, 1269, 1287-1288, 1327, 1367, 1397, 1420, 1447-1448, 1474, 1495, 1513, 1532, 1557, 1574-1575, 1597, 1618, 1649, 1669-1670, 1696, 1714, 1753, 1791, 1828, 1894, 1933, 2030, 2143, 2194-2195, 2233, 2415-2416, 2488, 2572, 2712, 2772, 2810, 2978-2979, 3036, 3076-3077, 3134, 3212, 3253-3254

Maguire, 1416-1417, 1617-1618

McFadyen, 1668

Mitchelson, 1595

Murray, 1495

Penner, 1366

Reimer, 1532

Rocan, 1617, 1695

Rowat, 1446-1447, 1752-1753

Schuler, 1667-1668

Stefanson, 1694, 1894

Taillieu, 1447

Crown Lands Branch office relocation

Derkach, 2487, 2771, 3035, 3311

Dyck, 2487, 2572

Maguire, 2809-2810, 3133

Rowat, 1396-1397, 1556, 1597, 1695, 1932, 1969, 2194, 2232, 2415, 2571, 2711, 2771, 2869, 2978, 3252, 3311

Diabetes, insulin pumps

Eichler, 15, 41, 79, 117, 196, 224, 318-319

Goertzen, 397, 455, 493, 521-522, 581, 617, 653

Electoral reform

Lamoureux, 157, 653, 1971

Grandparents' access to grandchildren

Faurschou, 2977, 3253, 3312

Maguire, 2292

Reimer, 1790, 2232, 2711-2712, 2809, 3252-3253

Rowat, 1115, 1573, 1669, 1713, 1827-1828, 2291-2292, 3075-3076

Taillieu, 2978, 3035, 3311

Highways and roads

Highway 10, upgrading

Rowat, 947, 976, 1034, 1071, 1101, 1135-1136, 1190, 1215, 1231, 1251-1252, 1287, 1365, 1416

Provincial Road 340, upgrading

Cullen, 654

Rowat, 80, 117-118, 223, 260, 618, 885

Hog processing plant

OlyWest proposal

Gerrard, 1828, 1871-1872, 1894-1895, 1932-1933, 1970, 2029-2030, 2142, 2194, 2232-2233, 2292, 2416, 2488, 2572, 2712, 2772, 2810, 2870, 2978, 3036, 3076, 3134, 3212, 3253

Livestock industry

Beef levy

Cullen, 2141

Eichler, 2141

Maguire, 1669, 2029, 2194, 2487

Morris-Macdonald School Division

Taillieu, 1694-1695, 1790-1791, 2028, 3075

Pembina Trails School Division, high school need

Driedger, 223-224, 260-261, 291, 317

Windstorm damage (R.M. of Piney)

Penner, 318, 521, 693, 875

Pharmacare program. See Health care

Pharmaceutical Act

[Bill 41]


Sale, 2291


Driedger, 3151-3153

Gerrard, 3147-3149

Lamoureux, 3149-3151

Sale, 3146-3147

Pharmacist Awareness Week

Stefanson, 1146

Philippines delegation, study tour of Manitoba

Aglugub, 377

Lamoureux, 378-379

Physicians. See also Health care

Chief cardiologist, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority


Sale, 161-162

Stefanson, 161-162

Emergency specialists

Medical school graduates

Driedger, 3257

Sale, 3257

Recruitment and retention

Brick, 3049

Derkach, 2147-2148

Driedger, 2148

Gerrard, 3083

Jha, 2584

Maguire, 529-530

Sale, 529-530, 2147-2148, 2148-2149, 2584, 3049, 3083-3084


Child and Adolescent Treatment Centre

Doer, 456

Murray, 456

Emergency specialists

Doer, 3042-3043, 3254-3256

Driedger, 2489-2490, 3138, 3256

McFadyen, 3042-3043, 3254-3256

Sale, 2490, 3138-3139, 3256


Driedger, 2985

Sale, 2985-2986

Western Manitoba (Westman)

Doer, 457

Maguire, 205

Murray, 457

Sale, 457-458

Stefanson, 457-458

Pirnie, Karen

Tribute to

Korzeniowski, 660-661

Points of Order

P/O by Ashton respecting comments allegedly spoken by the Government House Leader, 1679

taken under advisement, 1679

Speaker's ruling, 1979

P/O by Cummings respecting a move that the House adjourn, 1413

Speaker's ruling, 1413

P/O by Derkach requesting a debate on a Matter of Public Importance, 1441-1442

Ashton, 1442-1443

Lamoureux, 1443-1444

Speaker's ruling, 1444

P/O by Derkach respecting a document tabled by the Premier, 1569-1570

Lamoureux, 1571

Mackintosh, 1570-1571

Speaker's ruling, 1572

P/O by Derkach respecting a request for a public inquiry into the Crocus Investment Fund scandal, 1180-1182

Lamoureux, 1182

Speaker's ruling, 1182

P/O by Derkach respecting authenticity of letter tabled by Minister of Health, 760

taken under advisement (Hickes), 760

Speaker's ruling, 983-984

P/O by Derkach respecting Beauchesne citation 417 and the relevancy of responses during Oral Questions, 1612-1614

Speaker's ruling, 1614

P/O by Derkach respecting comments made by Minister of Industry, Economic Development and Mines, 1405

Comments withdrawn (Rondeau), 1405-1406

P/O by Derkach respecting comments made in the Winnipeg Free Press concerning the Sessional Order, 1636-1637

Chomiak, 1638

Lamoureux, 1639-1640

Mitchelson, 1640

taken under advisement, 1641

Speaker's ruling, 1762-1763

P/O by Derkach respecting decorum in the Chamber, 1228

Ashton, 1228

Lamoureux, 1229

Speaker's ruling, 1229-1230

P/O by Derkach respecting responses provided by Ministers during Oral Questions, 1526-1529

Speaker's ruling, 1529

P/O by Derkach respecting responses provided by the Minister of Education, Citizenship and Youth during Oral Questions, 1641-1643

Mackintosh, 1643-1644

Speaker's ruling, 1643-1644

P/O by Derkach respecting that the Minister of Water Stewardship was obstructing the house by not tabling a document, 1468-1469

Ashton, 1468-1469

Penner, 1469

Speaker's ruling, 1469-1470

P/O by Derkach respecting the Government's truthfulness and honesty with the people of Manitoba, 1208, 1213

Lamoureux, 1213-1214

Mackintosh, 1213

Speaker's ruling, 1214

P/O by Derkach respecting the interpretation of Rule 42 and the use of the term "be now heard.", 1247-1248

Ashton, 1248-1249

Lamoureux, 1249

Speaker's ruling, 1249

P/O by Derkach respecting the lack of meetings held by the Standing Committee of Agriculture and Food, 1460-1462

Eichler, 1463

Lamoureux, 1462-1463

Mackintosh, 1462

taken under advisement, 1463

Speaker's ruling, 1628

P/O by Derkach respecting the relevancy of responses made by Minister for Family Services and Housing during Oral Question, 1409-1410

Lamoureux, 1410

Mackintosh, 1410

taken under advisement, 1410

Speaker's ruling, 1550

P/O by Derkach to move that the House adjourn [1], 1465

Speaker's ruling, 1466

P/O by Derkach to move that the House adjourn [2], 1553

Speaker's ruling, 1553

P/O by Derkach to move that the House adjourn [3], 1641

Speaker's ruling, 1641

P/O by Gerrard respecting a response provided by the Minister of Finance, 1483

Goertzen, 1483-1484

Mackintosh, 1483

Speaker's ruling, 1484

P/O by Goertzen respecting Beauchesne citation 349, 1509

Mackintosh, 1510

Speaker's ruling, 1510

P/O by Goertzen respecting that Bill 36 was in a 'blank and imperfect form' in accordance with Beauchesne, 1488-1489

Mackintosh, 1489

Speaker's ruling, 1489

P/O by Lamoureux alleging that a member of the House was not listening during a Matter of Privilege, 1689

Speaker's ruling, 1689

P/O by Lamoureux respecting a response provided by the Premier, 1505

Cummings, 1506

Doer, 1505-1506

Speaker's ruling, 1506

P/O by Lamoureux respecting an adjournment motion, 1264

Speaker's ruling, 1264

P/O by Lamoureux respecting Beauchesne citation 3 and the concept of Oral Questions, 1709-1710

Derkach, 1710-1711

Mackintosh, 1710

Speaker's ruling, 1711

P/O by Lamoureux respecting comments made by the Premier, 1223

Derkach, 1223

Speaker's ruling, 1223

P/O by Lamoureux respecting the caution provided by the Deputy Speaker regarding remarks about the absence of Members, 2257

Goertzen, 2257

taken under advisement, 2257

Speaker's ruling, 3050

P/O by Lamoureux respecting the length of responses provided by the Premier, 1261

Derkach, 1261-1262

Doer, 1262

Speaker's ruling, 1262

P/O by Lamoureux respecting the relevancy of a response provided by the Premier, 1607

Speaker's ruling, 1607

P/O by Lamoureux respecting the speaking rotation in debates, 1162

Ashton, 1163

Derkach, 1163-1164

Speaker's ruling, 1164

P/O by Mackintosh respecting the orderliness of a question posed by the Honourable Leader of the Opposition, 1120

Speaker's ruling, 1120

P/O by Mackintosh respecting the orderliness of an adjournment motion, 1284

Goertzen, 1284

Speaker's ruling, 1284

Police services, general

Appreciation for

Dyck, 450

Gerrard, 450-453

Goertzen, 444-447

Murray, 447-449

Smith, 453-454

Swan, 449-450

Police services, RCMP

Funding for additional officers

Chomiak, 266

Goertzen, 22-23, 44-45, 265-266

Mackintosh, 22-23, 44-45

Police officer shortage

Goertzen, 51

Police services, Winnipeg Police Service

Enough is Enough!

Plan for safer communities

Murray, 43-44

Police officer shortage

Goertzen, 1795

Mackintosh, 1795

Portage Place (shopping mall)

Construction costs

Doer, 3261

Gerrard, 3261-3262

Smith, 3261

Post-secondary education

Graduate studies, government initiatives

Brick, 800

McGifford, 800

Manitoba Graduate Scholarship, funding

Irvin-Ross, 1144

McGifford, 1144

Poverty rate

Reduction strategy

Hawranik, 668-669

Selinger, 669

Poyster, Ted

Agricultural Hall of Fame inductee

Taillieu, 628

Prairie Production Centre

Reimer, 1300

Premier's conference

Communication with Prime Minister

Doer, 2987-2988

Gerrard, 2987-2988

Equalization payments

Chomiak, 2813-2814

McFadyen, 2813-2814

Selinger, 2814

Private Investigators and Security Guards Amendment Act

[Bill 2]


Mackintosh, 42-43


Dewar, 414-415

Goertzen, 411-412

Lamoureux, 412-413

Mackintosh, 333-334

Swan, 413-414


Goertzen, 909-915


Harvard, 1066

Private Members' Business

Child Find Manitoba

Brick, 357-358

Driedger, 358-360

Lamoureux, 364-365

Mackintosh, 360-362

Reimer, 362-363

Rocan, 365-367

Rowat, 363-364

Swan, 365

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Altemeyer, 646-648

Chomiak, 641-643

Cullen, 648-649

Gerrard, 645-646

Hawranik, 643-644

Korzeniowski, 644-645

Martindale, 649

Stefanson, 640-641

Diabetes, prevention and treatment strategy

Cullen, 741-743

Cummings, 749-750

Dewar, 739-741

Gerrard, 745-746

Goertzen, 747-749

Jennissen, 743-745

Nevakshonoff, 746-747


Alternative energy sources, wind power

Caldwell, 935-937

Maloway, 942-944

Mitchelson, 937-938

Reid, 938-940

Rocan, 940-942

Schuler, 944-945

Health care, rural

Interfacility transfers

Derkach, 1021-1023

Gerrard, 1031

Lemieux, 1031

Martindale, 1026-1028

Penner, 1024-1026

(Correction), 1049-1050

Reid, 1029-1031

Rowat, 1028-1029

Sale, 1023-1024

Physician shortage

Cullen, 2016-2018

Rowat, 2023-2026

Sale, 2018-2020

Wowchuk, 2021-2023

Police services, general

Appreciation for

Dyck, 450

Gerrard, 450-453

Goertzen, 444-447

Murray, 447-449

Smith, 453-454

Swan, 449-450

Public safety

Bjornson, 844-845

Gerrard, 844

Mackintosh, 839-840

Martindale, 842-844

Murray, 836-839

Reimer, 840-842

War brides

Driedger, 576-579

Jennissen, 575-576

Korzeniowski, 569-571

McGifford, 573-574

Mitchelson, 574-575

Rowat, 572-573

Privilege, Matters of. See Matters of Privilege

Professional accreditation


Aglugub, 2404-2406

Goertzen, 2406-2408

Jha, 2408-2409

Lamoureux, 2409-2411

Maguire, 2413-2414

Swan, 2411-2413

Property tax

Education portion

Maguire, 166

Property assessment, Walkinshaw Place

Maguire, 2780, 2818

Smith, 2780

Struthers, 2818-2819


Vehicle seizures

Goertzen, 2582

Mackintosh, 2582

Protection of Persons in Care report


Gerrard, 300

Sale, 300

Provincial Court of Manitoba

Annual report tabling

Mackintosh, 319

Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba

Caldwell, 1178-1179

Provincial Mining Week. See Ministerial Statements

Provincial parks. See also Campground reservation system

Report availability

Faurschou, 269

Goertzen, 232

Struthers, 232-233, 269-270

Provincial revenues

Funding from federal sources

Doer, 700

Gerrard, 700

Public Accounts, Standing Committee on. See also Public Accounts Committee index

1st Report

Reimer, 752-754

Public Accounts Committee


Derkach, 1259

Hawranik, 1257

Mackintosh, 1259-1260

Rondeau, 1257

Public Health Act

[Bill 21]


Sale, 1033


Derkach, 2216-2221

Driedger, 2206-2211

Gerrard, 2221-2224

Lamoureux, 2224-2229

Sale, 2205-2206

Stefanson, 2211-2216


Gerrard, 3154-3156

Lamoureux, 3156-3157


Mackintosh, 3346

R/A, 3348

Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act

[Bill 34]


Selinger, 1892


Gerrard, 3088-3089

Hawranik, 3072-3074, 3088

Lamoureux, 3089-3092

Selinger, 3072

Introduction of

Selinger, 1702-1703

Stefanson, 1702-1703

Private sector

Hawranik, 2874

Selinger, 2874-2875


Doer, 3323

Lamoureux, 3323

Protection for government employees

Hawranik, 2815, 2874

Selinger, 2815-2816, 2874

Public Officers Act

Statement on Fidelity Bonds

Selinger, 319

Public safety

Bjornson, 844-845

Gerrard, 844

Mackintosh, 839-840

Martindale, 842-844

Murray, 836-839

Reimer, 840-842

Public Schools Finance Board Amendment and The Public Schools Amendment Act

[Bill 35]


Bjornson, 1472


Bjornson, 2316

Gerrard, 2316-2320

Lamoureux, 2320-2322, 2323-2325

Stefanson, 2729-2730


Gerrard, 3175


Mackintosh, 3347

R/A, 3349

Public Service Group Insurance Fund

Report tabling

Selinger, 319

Public Trustee

Annual report tabling

Mackintosh, 319

Public Trustee Act


Goertzen, 626-627

Mackintosh, 626-627

Pullen, John

Tribute to

Reid, 51


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