HOUSE INDEX - 4th Session - 37th Legislature

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House Index - 4th-37th

Legislative Assembly Officers & Staff

Members of the Legislative Assembly

Members of Executive Council

Standing & Special Committee Chairpersons


Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission

Selinger, 506

Accelerated Nursing Diploma Program

Allan, 475

McGifford, 475

Administration of Oaths of Office, An Act Respecting the (Bill 1)


Doer, 9

Advanced Education and Training, Department of

Training branch, rationale for moving

Derkach, 332

Doer, 332

Aglugub, Cris (The Maples) N.D.P.

Manitoba Child Care Association, 200

Maples Youth Justice Committee, 335-336

Members' Statements

Manitoba Child Care Association, 200

Maples Youth Justice Committee, 335-336

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, 794-795

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, 794-795

Throne Speech, 337-341

Agricultural Policy Framework (APF)

Environmental plans

Penner, Jack, 308

Wowchuk, 308

Manitoba's participation

Penner, Jack, 259-260, 471-472

Wowchuk, 259-260, 472

Manitoba's position

Doer, 191

Murray, 190-191

Transitional funding

Penner, Jack, 308, 496

Wowchuk, 308-309, 496-497


Struthers, 258

Wowchuk, 258-259

Air ambulances

Usage policy

Chomiak, 66-68

Derkach, 138, 148

Loewen, 66-67

Smith, S., 138-139

Airport (Little Grand Rapids)


Faurschou, 378-379

Smith, S., 378-379

Allan, Nancy (St. Vital) N.D.P.

Accelerated Nursing Diploma Program

Update, 475

Brown, Rosemary, remembrance of, 649

Dakota Collegiate

Black and Gold society, 572

Glenlawn Collegiate history project, 75-76

Members' Statements

Brown, Rosemary, remembrance of, 649

Dakota Collegiate

Black and Gold society, 572

Glenlawn Collegiate history project, 75-76

Queen's Jubilee Medal, 479-480

Nursing education and training

Update, 570

Oral Questions

Accelerated Nursing Diploma Program

Update, 475

Nursing education and training

Update, 570

Queen's Jubilee Medal, 479-480

Ambulances. See Air ambulances

Amusements Amendment Act (Bill 8)


Robinson, 466

Anderson, Osmond Theodore


Rondeau, 381-382

Anti-stalking legislation. See Domestic Violence and Stalking Prevention, Protection and Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 13)

APF. See Agricultural Policy Framework (APF)

Ashton, Hon. Steve (Thompson) N.D.P.

Budget, 535-541

Clean Environment Commission

Annual Report, 2002 (S.P. 23), 465

Clearwater Lake Provincial Park

Land transfers, 476-477

Elk population

Statistics, 101

Fisheries Amendment Act (Offences and Penalties) (Bill 19)

1R, 784

Flood protection

Diking projects, funding for, 498

Gull Rapids hydro project

Partnership agreement, 328-329

Manitoba Hydro

Public Utilities Board review, 642

Ministerial Statements

National Forest Week, 783

National Forest Week, 783

Oral Questions

Clearwater Lake Provincial Park

Land transfers, 476-477

Elk population

Statistics, 101

Flood protection

Diking projects, funding for, 498

Gull Rapids hydro project

Partnership agreement, 328-329

Manitoba Hydro

Public Utilities Board review, 642

Red River Floodway expansion

Environmental review, 495

Wuskwatim hydro project

Environmental assessment, 329, 522

Red River Floodway expansion

Environmental review, 495

Throne Speech, 180-187

Wuskwatim hydro project

Environmental assessment, 329, 522

Asper, Linda (Riel) N.D.P.

Boni-Vital Council for Seniors, 21

Condolences, Motions of

Spivak, Sidney, 211-212

Dakota Collegiate

Grease theatrical production, 333-334

Fédération des caisses populaires du Manitoba, 263-264

Glenlawn Collegiate theatrical productions, 434

Members' Statements

Boni-Vital Council for Seniors, 21

Dakota Collegiate

Grease theatrical production, 333-334

Fédération des caisses populaires du Manitoba, 263-264

Glenlawn Collegiate theatrical productions, 434

Shack, Sybil

Donation of papers to University of Manitoba, 105-106

Sustainable Development Award of Excellence, 312-313

Resignation, 561

Shack, Sybil

Donation of papers to University of Manitoba, 105-106

Sustainable Development Award of Excellence, 312-313

Assiniboine Community College

Selinger, 510

Auditor General

Investigation of the Rural Municipality of St. Clements and Review of Municipal Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards in Manitoba (S.P. 3)

Hickes, 11

Report on the Dakota Tipi First Nation Gaming Commission and First Nation Gaming Accountability in Manitoba

Hickes, 732

Value-for-Money Audit on the Student Financial Assistance Program (S.P. 2)

Hickes, 11

Automobile theft

Reduction strategy

Faurschou, 193-194

Mackintosh, 193-194

Ayre, Logan, 100th birthday celebrations

Korzeniowski, 74-75

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