HOUSE INDEX - 3rd Session - 36th Legislature

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


House Index - 3rd-36th



Family reunification

Ashton , 2426-2427

Hickes , 1252-1253, 1508-1509, 2401-2408

Lamoureux , 2414

Vodrey , 1252-1253, 1509, 2406-2408

Federal-provincial negotiations

Doer , 1103

Filmon , 1103

Head tax

Ashton , 2426

Hickes , 1508

Vodrey , 1508

Immigration consultants

Lamoureux , 2416

Vodrey , 2419

Income means test

Hickes , 669-670

Vodrey , 669-670

Low income cutoff

Hickes , 2408-2409

Vodrey , 2409-2410

Manitoba statistics

Hickes , 2420-2421

Lamoureux , 2413-2414, 2419-2420

Vodrey , 2417-2418, 2420-2422

On-line information

Hickes , 2422

Lamoureux , 2414-2415

Vodrey , 2418, 2422

Professional/technical accreditation

Hickes , 2411-2412

Lamoureux , 2415-2416

Vodrey , 2412, 2418-2419

Selection criteria

Hickes , 2410-2411

Vodrey , 2411


Lamoureux , 2415

Impaired driving. See also Highway Traffic Amendment Act (2) (Bill 38)

Blood alcohol level

Mackintosh , 3290

Toews , 3290-3291

Income Assistance. See also 55 Plus; Child Related Income Support Program; Employment First Initiative; Making Welfare Work; Taking Charge! program

Amalgamation-City of Winnipeg

Martindale , 4124-4127

Mitchelson , 4124-4127

Canada Pension Plan

Martindale , 4131-4132

Mitchelson , 4131-4132


Martindale , 4127-4128, 4240

Mitchelson , 4127-4128, 4240

Computer system

Martindale , 4122-4123, 5500-5501

Mitchelson , 4122, 5500-5501


Martindale , 4124

Mitchelson , 4124

Dental services

Martindale , 4122

Mitchelson , 4122

Flood victims

Martindale , 4242-4243

Mitchelson , 4242-4243

Food allowance-supplement

Martindale , 4248-4249

Mitchelson , 4249

Fraud investigations

Martindale , 4240-4242

Mitchelson , 4240-4242

Funeral services

Martindale , 4122

Mitchelson , 4122


Martindale , 4128

Mitchelson , 4128

Off-reserve aboriginals

Martindale , 4118

Mitchelson , 4118


Gilleshammer , 4452-4457

Martindale , 4450-4452

Mitchelson , 4446-4463, 4454, 4457-4459, 4462-4463

Radcliffe , 4459-4462

Special needs

Martindale , 4243

Mitchelson , 4243

Special Warrant

Martindale , 4118-4119

Mitchelson , 4118-4119


Martindale , 4249

Mitchelson , 4249

Work expectations

Evans, L. , 4550-4552

Martindale , 4129, 4132, 4368

Mitchelson , 4129, 4132, 4368-4369, 4551-4552

Work expectations-single parents

Filmon , 318-319

Martindale , 318-319

Work incentive programs

Lamoureux , 5532

Martindale , 4132-4133

Mitchelson , 4133, 5532

Indigenous Games

Financial assistance-athletes

Cerilli , 3235

Evans, C. , 4023-4024

Stefanson , 3235-3236, 4023-4024

Industry, Trade and Tourism, Department of

Deputy ministers

Downey , 2487-2489

Sale , 2487-2489

Mission statement

Downey , 2489-2491

Sale , 2489-2491

Organizational chart

Downey , 2491-2495

Sale , 2491-2495

Supplementary information

Downey , 1300

Supplementary information revisions

Downey , 1430

Industry, Trade and Tourism, Department of (Supply)

Administration and Finance

Executive Support

Downey , 2487-2495

Sale , 2487-2495

Grant Assistance-Manitoba Horse Racing Commission

Downey , 2658-2659

Sale , 2658-2659

Manitoba Bureau of Statistics

Downey , 2657-2658

Sale , 2657-2658

Research and Economic Services

Downey , 2496-2497, 2649-2657

Sale , 2496-2497, 2649-2657

Business Services

Financial Services


Downey , 2763-2768

Sale , 2763-2768

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Downey , 2664-2669, 2742-2762

Sale , 2664-2670, 2742-2762

Industrial Technical Centre

Downey , 2887-2890

Sale , 2887-2890

Industry Development-Consulting Services

Health Research Infrastructure Initiative

Downey , 2664

Sale , 2664

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Downey , 2659-2663

Sale , 2659-2663

Manitoba Trade


Downey , 2881

Sale , 2881

Less: Recoverable from Rural and Urban Economic Development Initiatives

Downey , 2881-2882

Sale , 2881-2882

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Downey , 2768-2769, 2863-2881

Enns , 2878

Sale , 2768-2769, 2863-2881

Telecommunication Marketing

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Downey , 2882-2887

Sale , 2882-2886

Economic Development

Economic Development Board Secretariat

Downey , 2969-3000

Maloway , 2969-2998, 2999

Sale , 2998-2999

Opening Remarks

Downey , 2478-2483

Sale , 2483-2487

Tourism and Small Business

Small Business and Entrepreneurial Development

Sale , 2890

Infrastructure programs

Aboriginal communities

Ashton , 1645

Filmon , 1645

Insurance Amendment Act (Bill 13)


Radcliffe , 1178


Maloway , 4528

Radcliffe , 1661-1662

R/A , 5563


McCrae , 5189

Insurance industry

Bonding system

Maloway , 2466-2467

Radcliffe , 2466-2467


Friesen , 2382-2393, 2463-2465

Radcliffe , 2383-2394, 2464-2465

Vanishing premium life insurance

Maloway , 2466

Radcliffe , 2466

Integrated Case Management


Friesen , 4490-4492

McIntosh , 4490-4492

Interim Appropriation Act, 1997


Stefanson , 874


Stefanson , 874-875


McCrae , 977


Ashton , 926-928

Cerilli , 971-976

Cummings , 898-901, 946, 950-951

Derkach , 928-945

Doer , 949-951

Enns , 963

Evans, C. , 941-944, 948, 951-953

Evans, L. , 876-883, 895-897

Gilleshammer , 955-960

Lamoureux , 891-895, 963

Mackintosh , 963-971

McIntosh , 960-962

Mitchelson , 971-976

Praznik , 951-955

Reid , 955-962

Sale , 884-888, 928-938

Stefanson , 875-876, 880-897

Toews , 963-971

Wowchuk , 897-901

R/A , 977


Stefanson , 976

Interim Supply

Supply, Committee of , 873

Ways and Means, Committee of , 874

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. See Nonpolitical statements

International Day of the Family. See Nonpolitical statements

International Women's Day. See also Nonpolitical statements

Shaking the Tree-registration fee

McGifford , 2671-2672

Vodrey , 2671-2672

Internet Opportunities Workshop. See Nonpolitical statements

Investment multilateral agreement

Government position

Downey , 3209

Government support

Filmon , 3006

Sale , 3005-3006

Human rights issues

Filmon , 4545

Sale , 4545

Manitoba, impact on

Downey , 2836

Sale , 2836

Status report

Downey , 2714-2715, 2836

Filmon , 3006

Sale , 2714-2715, 3006

Tabling request

Filmon , 4545

Sale , 4545


Downey , 2873-2876

Sale , 2871-2876

Iris Systems. See also Canada-Manitoba Communication and Technology Research and Industry Development Agreement

Loan agreement

Downey , 2750-2751

Sale , 2750-2751

Irrigation development program


Enns , 1868-1872

Wowchuk , 1868-1871

Isobord Enterprises


Downey , 5015

Sale , 5015

Loan agreement

Downey , 2742-2750

Sale , 2742-2750

Loan agreements

Downey , 2668-2669

Sale , 2668-2670

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