Law Amendments - 3rd Session - 36th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Law Amendments Index


Child and Family Services Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 48)

Aboriginal issues

Helgason, 159

Martindale, 328

Mitchelson, 328


Clause 5


328, passed, 328

Clause 6(2)


328, passed, 329

Clause 8(2)


329-330, passed, 330

Clause 8(3)


330-301, passed, 331

Clause 10(2)


331, passed, 331

331-332, passed, 332

Clause 10(4)


332, passed, 332

Clause 17


332, passed, 332

Clause 20


332, passed, 332

Clause 28


333, passed, 333

Appeal process

Martindale, 181

Mitchelson, 324-325

Santos, 324-325

Suche, 182


Martindale, 317

Mitchelson, 317

Application for protection hearing

Waters, 166-167

Assessment process

Cerilli, 161-162

Helgason, 162


Dorge, 179-180

Martindale, 180, 326-327

Mitchelson, 326-327

Child abuse allegations

Malenfant, 156-157

Child abuse committees

Collings, 171, 173

Ferguson, 183-186

Martindale, 173, 185-186, 320-322

McCormick, 192

Mitchelson, 320-322

Santos, 322-324

Toews, 184-185

Child abuse investigations

Martindale, 315-316

Mitchelson, 315-316

Child Abuse Registry

Malenfant, 155-156

McCormick, 194

Neuman, 169

Zuefle, 187-188

Child poverty

Cerilli, 167

Helgason, 159

Martindale, 161

Waters, 167

Child welfare reform

Martindale, 311-312

Mitchelson, 311-312

Child witnesses

Martindale, 297

Mitchelson, 297

Smorang, 191

Children and Youth Secretariat

Martindale, 313

Mitchelson, 313

Community-based preventative services

Helgason, 158, 160-161

Martindale, 160

Mitchelson, 160-161

Complaint process

Malenfant, 154-155

Martindale, 299-300

Mitchelson, 299-300


Dorge, 180

Martindale, 180, 312

Mitchelson, 313

Cost of care

Martindale, 309

Mitchelson, 309

Court of Queen's Bench

Martindale, 318-320

Mitchelson, 318-320

Toews, 318-320

Court process

Malenfant, 155

Date when application returnable

Collings, 172

Decision of court

Friesen, 298

Langtry, 297-298

Martindale, 297

Mitchelson, 297

Employees, impact on

Cerilli, 170

Collings, 174

Kowalski, 170

Martindale, 169, 174

Neuman, 168, 169, 170

Extended families, access to

Collings, 172

Financial information

Cerilli, 313

Collings, 172

Martindale, 167, 190

Mitchelson, 313-314

Shapiro, 190

Waters, 165, 167-168

Financial support

Cerilli, 314

Mitchelson, 315

Grandparental rights

Britton, 174-177

Ekerholm, 177-178

Martindale, 164, 177, 328

Mitchelson, 176-177, 328

Wright, 164


Martindale, 299

Mitchelson, 295-296, 299

Maintenance orders

Cerilli, 304, 306-307

McGifford, 305-306

Mitchelson, 301-307

Toews, 302


Martindale, 316

Mitchelson, 316-317


Mitchelson, 298

Report of conclusion

Collings, 172

Waters, 166

Reporting process

Mitchelson, 296

Rules for hearing

Suche, 181

Rules for hearing--agents

McCormick, 193

Smorang, 191

Show-cause hearing

Dorge, 181

Martindale, 180-181

Temporary accommodations

Cerilli, 173-174

Collings, 174

Voluntary placement agreements

Martindale, 307-308

Mitchelson, 307-308

Corporations Amendment Act (Bill 26)


Clause 23


25, passed, 25

Criminal Injuries Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 46)

Income replacement benefits

Mackintosh, 271-272

Toews, 271-272



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