Public Utilities and Natural Resources - 2nd Session - 36th Legislature
Manitoba Hydro Electric Board
Affirmative action
Brennan, 91
Kowalski, 91
Board members
Mihychuk, 96
Praznik, 96-97
Divisional managers
Brennan, 91
Kowalski, 91
Hiring policy
Brennan, 97-99
Mihychuk, 97-99
Praznik, 97-98
Brennan, 95-96
Mihychuk, 93-94
Praznik, 93-95
Opening remarks
Brennan, 84-90
McCallum, 83-84
Mihychuk, 91-93
Praznik, 81-83
Manitoba Investment Pool Authority Act (Bill 56)
Mauws, 13-14
Zimberg, 12-13
Clause 22
Opening remarks
Stefanson, 20
Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation
Appeal Commission
Cummings, 31
Evans, L., 31-32
Zacharias, 31-32
Auto theft
Cummings, 42
Kowalski, 41-42
Laurendeau, 30
Toews, 39-40
Zacharias, 40
Hailstorm, cost of
Evans, L., 39
Zacharias, 39
No fault insurance
Opening remarks
Cummings, 23-25
Evans, L., 25
Evans, L., 26-28
Maloway, 29-30
Rate reduction
Evans, L., 37-39
Tort claims
Evans, L., 32-33
Maloway, 33-34
Zacharias, 33-34
Manitoba Telephone System
Benson, Julian–role of
Ashton, 70-71
Findlay, 70-71
Censure motion
Ashton, 75-76
Findlay, 75-76
Customer database
Fraser, 68-70
Sale, 68-70
Opening remarks
Ashton, 49-52
Findlay, 45-47
Fraser, 48-49
Stefanson, T., 47-48
Stefanson, T., 60-65
Privatization–brokerage firms
Ashton, 74
Stefanson, T., 74
Ashton, 71-73
Findlay, 71
Fraser, 71-72
Stefanson, T., 72-73
Manitoba Telephone System Reorganization and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 67)
911 service
Fricke, 612
Lathlin, 612
Advertising campaign
Ashton, 682
Cherpako, 153
Dewar, 492-493
Gretsinger, 148
Hartle, R., 682
Hudson, 544
Malabar, 683
Miller, 317
Sale, 153
Scarcella, 302
Struthers, 544
Webb, 493
Affiliated bodies
Yaffe, 800
Blomquist, 650
Graham, 378
Hales, 433
Olson, 609
Seymour, 248
Shuster, 404-405
Silver, 633
Tait, C., 564
Clause 1
Clause 5
Clause 6
Clause 7
Clause 10
Clause 11
Clause 12
Clause 13
Clause 14
Clause 15
Clause 16
Clause 17
Clause 18
Clause 20
Clause 21
Clause 22
Clause 24
Clause 25
Clause 27
Clause 28
Clause 33
Clause 37
Clause 38
Clause 39
Doer, 642
Wasylycia Leis, 642-643
Board of directors
Findlay, 814-815
Struthers, 816
Yaffe, 816
Brokerage firms
Ashton, 144, 212, 264, 344-345, 382, 581, 585-586, 650, 687
Barrett, 479
Blomquist, 650-651
Eigenkind, 581
Harris, 345
Hudson, 544
Jacob, 687
McWilliams, 264
Olson, 608
Orton, 212
Owen, 144
Sayeau, 293
Scarcella, 305
Struthers, 544
Tefft, 409
Wowchuk, 305
Business plan
Ashton, 691
Pilano, 691-692
Cable assets
Hales, 435
Markham, 554
Owen, 142
Rebeck, 306-307
Sale, 293-294
Shiaro, 117
Welfley, 585
Ashton, 647-648
Kowalski, A., 646-648
Laurendeau, 648
Certificate of continuance
Findlay, 825-826
Sale, 824-826
Yaffe, 824-825
Ashton, 160, 353, 379, 407, 580-581
Block, S., 353
Derkach, 202
Eigenkind, 581
Farley, 233
Graham, 379-380
Gretsinger, 147
Hartle, R., 680
Kelly, 241
MacKay, 407-408
Maruntz, 160
Morrow Litke, 202
Nestruck, 501-503
Norman, 167
Penner, 232-233
Praznik, 502-503
Reid, 428
Reske, 603
Samyn, 428
Santos, 503
Sveinson, 561-562
Tait, F., 562
Constituents, survey of
Ashton, 153
Cherpako, 153
Ashton, 128, 137, 148-149, 218, 242, 326, 371, 405, 583, 595-596, 633, 675
Beaudry (for Hickerson, W.), 375
Brick, 675
Cote, 532
Doer, 643
Dudgeon, 356
Eliason, 540
Fritz, 165
Geisel, 394
Gretsinger, 149
Hewitt Smith, 205
Kelly, 242
Laser, 436-437
MacKinnon, 320
Mackling, 127-128
Martindale, 489
Miller, 318
Ndayumvire, 511-512
Nembhard, 422
Norman, 167
Pauls, 596
Reid, 475
Riley, 676
Robins, 552
Robson, 600-601
Sale, 422
Samyn, 427
Schellenberg, 571
Seymour, 246
Sokoloff, 475
Stadfield, 478-479
Stieffenhofer, 414
Sveinson, 205
Tait, C., 564
Tefft, 409
Venema, 368
Wasylycia Leis, 643
Wilson, 363
Wowchuk, 218, 304-305, 318, 321, 356, 363, 368
Consumer protection
Ashton, 170-171
Cost benefit analysis
Keenan, M., 419
Sale, 419
Crown corporations, role of
Dudgeon, 354-355
Farley, 231
Grabowski, W., 480
Orlikow, 254
Reid, 480
Crown Corporations Act
Yaffe, 788
Crown shares
Nicol, 130
Shiaro, 117
Customer database
Scarcella, 303
Debt load
Cummings, 499
Hales, 434
Holle, 587
Laser, 437
Odlum, 425
Olson, 610
Reske, 603
Robson, 602-603
Sale, 425, 437, 602, 610, 817-818, 827-830
Smith, 535
Welfley, 584
Sale, 841-842
Yaffe, 841-842
Findlay, 779
Sale, 779-780
Yaffe, 779-780
Definitions–foreign government
Findlay, 780
Struthers, 780
Findlay, 793
Definitions–nonresident of Canada
Findlay, 783
Sale, 783
Disabled community, impact on
Ducharme, 112-115
Economic development
Kelly, 241
Economic impact
Brick, 674-675
Campbell, 337-338
Graham, 377
Hiebert, P., 558-559
Johannson, C. for Duncan, G.), 366
Jones, 568
McClelland, 411-412
McGregor, 364-365
Slater, 374-375
Taylor (for Jones), 266
Ashton, 118
Shiaro, 118
Employment, impact on
Ashton, 156-157, 160-161, 163, 166, 209, 257, 268, 271, 679
Burrows, 162-163
Clune, E., 277-278
Cote, 531
Dolenuk, 207-210
Eigenkind, 580
Grabowski, A., 548
Gretsinger, 148
Hartle, E., 679
Hartle, R., 681
Jacob, 686
Johannson, C., 552
Maruntz, 161
Masse, 290-291
Milne, 636
Norman, 167
Riley, 677
Sale, 265
Samyn, 426
Sayeau, 293
Seymour, 247
Simbandumwe, A., 514
Sokoloff, 474-475
Struthers, 552
Taylor, 268
Trottier, 433
Employment, impact on
Mallea, 124
Essential service
Barr, 516
Barrett, 445
Blanco, 120-121
Brick, 673-674
Cardoso, 644
Cummings, 521
Doer, 520
Eigenkind, 580
Geisel, 393
Hammond, 527
Jones, 567
Lucas, 486
Martin, B., 575-577
Martindale, 651-652
McAlpine, 539
Ndayumvire, 512
Pankiw, 173
Plummer, 504-505
Riley, 676-677
Saleski, 688-689
Simbandumwe, M., 508-509
Tait, C., 565
Tefft, 408
Webb, 490
Welfley, 585
Yeo, 522-523
Evaluation period
Goddard, 385-386
Hales, 435
Martin, R., 136
Owen, 142-143
Shiaro, 117
Government investment
Kelly, 241
Government mandate
Anderson, 626
Ashton, 339, 410, 583, 586, 614-615, 616-617
Barker, 615-617
Barr, 516
Blomquist, 649
Brown, 667
Bukoski, 618
Burgess, 606
Campbell, 339
Cardoso, 644
Carlyle, 476
Clune, E., 277
Dooley, 234-235
Eigenkind, 579
Frolick, A., 605
Gooding, 572-573
Graham, 376-377
Hartle, R., 681
Hiebert, W., 620
Hooper, 614-615
Hrynyk, 449
Jack, 446-447
Jacob, 685-686
Keenan, Jany, 380
Laser, 436
MacDonald, 623
Mackintosh, 604
Malabar, 683
Marshall, 331-332
McGregor, 364
Miller, 316-317
Milne, 635
Ndayumvire, 513
Nembhard, 420
Odlum, 424
Olson, 608
Pilano, 690
Rebeck, 307
Reid, 466
Riley, 676
Sale, 348
Samyn, 426
Schellenberg, 569-571
Seymour, 246
Shuster, 403
Simbandumwe, A., 514-515
Slater, 373
Smith, 534-535
Stadfield, 478
Steur, 494
Stieffenhofer, 414
Still, 574
Trottier, 430-431
Venema, 368
Wasylycia Leis, 642
Webb, 491
Wilson, 362
Mallea, 123
Head office
Benson, 803-805
Findlay, 801-805
Jennissen, 801-805
Highway Traffic Act
Sale, 847
Yaffe, 847
Indebtedness to the Crown
Findlay, 781
Sale, 781
Struthers, 781
Information release
Ashton, 205
Doer, 639-640
Hewitt Smith, 205
Hudson, 543
Regehr, 639-640
Judicial commission
Ashton, 223
Barrett, 537
Findlay, 495
Santos, 495
Schultz, 220-221
Smith, 537
Steur, 495
Land Acquisitions Act
Sale, 847
Yaffe, 847
Land assessments
Findlay, 846-847
Penner, 846-847
Sale, 845-847
Yaffe, 845-847
Land assets
Sale, 790-791
Legal challenge
Schultz, 222
Legislative process
Altemeyer, J., 451
Barr, 516
Barrett, 449-450
Blomquist, 650
Bukoski, 619
Dilay, 530-531
Eigenkind, 578-579
Espey, 482
Fainman, 668
Forrest, 671
Fricke, 611
Hiebert, E., 141
Hiebert, W., 619
Hrynyk, 448-450
Jones, 566-567
Malabar, 683
McAlpine, 416-417
Nembhard, 420
Odlum, 423
Pauls, 594-595
Sokal, 417
Wiens, 629
Blanco, 120
NAFTA regulations
Ashton, 326-327
Opening remarks
Findlay, 769-770
Sale, 771-775
Order in Council
Findlay, 782
Sale, 782
Arnason, 468
Ashton, 261, 345, 405, 686-687
Beaudry, 347
Cerilli, A., 245-246
Dooley, 235
Espey, 484
Findlay, 499-500
Goddard, 385
Hallick, 217
Harris, 345
Jacob, 686-687
Keenan, Jerry, 519
Keenan, M., 418
Kelly, 242
Martz, 261
Miller, 316-317
Morrow Litke, 203
Nembhard, 421
Reske, 603
Sale, 810-813
Shuster, 405-406
Sokoloff, 474
Steur, 494
Sullivan, 488
Vorst, 500
Ownership, recovery of
Goddard, 386
Ownership, restrictions of
Sale, 786-787
Yaffe, 786-787
Pension plan
Arnason, 469
Ashton, 133, 134-135, 210, 259, 262-263, 265, 279, 808-810, 871-872
Barrett, 537
Beatty, 441-443
Benson, 851
Cerilli, A., 245
Chanas, 175
Dolenuk, 210
Findlay, 263, 442-443, 808-809, 869-871
Hadfield, 155
Hartle, E., 679
Leochko, 259
Martin, R., 137
Martz, 260
Meronek, 295-299
Nyhof, 262-263
Praznik, 298-299
Rudiak, 132-133
Sale, 135, 157, 175, 245, 263, 298-299, 442-443, 789, 881-884
Samyn, 426-428
Sharpe, 134-135
Stefanson, 883
Taylor, 267
Ashton, 276
Minish, E., 275-276
Ashton, 854-850, 860-862, 863-865
Doer, 865-868
Ashton, 144
Benson, 833-836
Findlay, 835
Markham, 556
Owen, 144
Yaffe, 833-835
Public debt
Aasland, 401
Hallick, 217
Kelly, 240-241
Mackling, 127
Martin, R., 136
McWilliams, 263
Owen, 142
Public's interest
Barrett, 528
Beaudry, 347
Bukoski, 617
Fainman, 670
Fricke, 611
Friesen, 669-670
Geisel, 394
Hammond, 528
Johannson, C. (for Duncan, G.), 366-367
Johannson, E., 589-590
Keenan, M., 418
Plummer, 505-506
Santos, 505-506
Shuster, 404
Tibelius, 653
Venema, 368
Vorst, 498
Wasylycia Leis, 641
Rates, impact on
Altemeyer, J., 451
Anderson, 628
Ansell, 652
Ashton, 125, 173, 206, 236, 248, 254, 279, 345, 373-374, 618, 630-631, 634, 649, 652, 675
Barker, 615
Barr, 517
Blomquist, 649-650
Brick, 675
Brown, 668
Cardoso, 644-646
Carlyle, 475-476
Clune, E., 278-279
Clune, E. (for Chanas), 174
Clune, K., 464
Curtis, 255
Dilay, 528
Dooley, 235-236
Eigenkind, 579
Friesen, 672
Frolick, D., 445
Geisel, 393-394
Gretsinger, 147-148
Hallick, 216
Harris, 345
Hartle, R., 681
Hooper, 614
Hrynyk, 449
Hudson, 542-543
Jacob, 686
Johannson, C., 370
Keenan, Jany, 380-381
Keenan, M., 418
Lucas, 487
MacDonald, 625
MacKinnon, 320
Markham, 554-555
Martin, B., 578
Martindale, 510
McAlpine, 445
McGonigal, 341-342
Morrow Litke, 201
Nembhard, 420-421
Odlum, 425
Olson, 610
Orlikow, 254
Orton, 211
Pilano, 690
Reid, 487
Reske, 604
Riley, 676
Robins, 552-553
Sale, 415, 425, 528, 566, 604, 619, 625, 628, 668, 672
Sayeau, 292
Shuster, 403-404
Silver, 634
Simbandumwe, M., 510
Slater, 372-374
Smith, 536
Steur, 494
Stieffenhofer, 415
Struthers, 645
Tait, C., 566
Tait, F., 560
Taylor (for Jones), 266
Trottier, 431-432
Vorst, 499
Wasylycia Leis, 641-642
Webb, 492
Welfley, 584
Wiens, 631
Rates, impact one
Scarcella, 303
Barr, 517
Brick, 675-676
Campbell, 339
Grabowski, A., 548
Hewitt Smith, 205
Johannson, E., 591-592
Silver, 634-635
Simbandumwe, A., 515
Campbell, 338
Rural Manitoba, impact on
Barrett, 456
Burrows, 163
Cerilli, 246
Dooley, 237
Dudgeon, 356
Frolick, A., 605
Geisel, 395-396
Grabowski, A., 549
Gretsinger, 147
Hales, 433
Hewitt Smith, 204
Hiebert, P., 558
Jennissen, 203
Keenan, M., 418
MacDonald, 624
MacKay, 406
Marshall, 333
McGonigal, 342
Minish, K., 150-151
Morrow Litke, 203
Nicol, 131
Penner, 203
Romphf, 456
Seymour, 248-249
Struthers, 549
Tait, C., 564
Trottier, 431
Venema, 369
Wiens, 630
Wilson, 362-363
Wowchuk, 237, 246, 248-249, 291, 332-333, 342, 356, 362-363, 369
Rural stress line
Martin, B., 577
Riley, 678
Save Our System campaign
Blanco, 121-122
Dewar, 121-122
Seniors, impact on
Ashton, 173
Block, J., 351-352
Pankiw, 173-174
Wowchuk, 352
Services, impact on
Blomquist, 650
Lucas, 487
Markham, 555
Milne, 636
Reid, 487
Tibelius, 653
Wowchuk, 653
Share value
Fritz, 167
Minish, G., 145-146
Ashton, 876-879
Burgess, 607
Curtis, 256-257
Derkach, 256-257
Eigenkind, 580
Jones, 567
Mackintosh, 607
Markham, 556
Milne, 636
Romphf, 456
Sayeau, 294
Scarcella, 303
Stefanson, 879-880
Steur, 495
Wowchuk, 294
Shares held as collateral
Sale, 787-788
Yaffe, 787-788
Shares–employee incentives
Beatty, 441
Sale, 794-795
Yaffe, 794
Shares–public offering
Sale, 796-798
Yaffe, 796-798
Shares–purchase of
Orton, 212
Wowchuk, 212
Social impact
Flynn, 349-351
McGifford, 342-343
Novak, 334-336
Vieno, 357-360
Strategic partner
Findlay, 839
Sale, 839
Students, impact on
Ashton, 684-685
Cummings, 685
Malabar, 684-685
Ashton, 243
Kelly, 243
Taxpayer protection
Norman, 167
Goddard, 385
Mackling, 127
Universal service
Ashton, 261
Martz, 261