House Index - 2nd Session - 26th Legislature
Baizley, Obie (Osborne) PC
Lord's Day Act (Canada), an Act to provide for certain exceptions to The (Bill 98)
1 R, 1025
3 R, 1981
Activities on Sunday, 1594-1595
Age and hourly restrictions, 1973
Sporting activities on Sunday, 1814
Margarine Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 51)
2 R, 1588
Colouring of margarine
For/against, 1588
Crippled Children, 1105
Bang's Disease
Cattle vaccination program
Guttormson, 676
Peters, 673-674
Schreyer, 673
Shoemaker, 674
Testing for
Campbell, 701
Hutton, 701
Barton Distillery
Evans, 1554-1555
Hawryluk, 1552
Beer prices
Campbell, 897-898
Hryhorczuk, 928-930
Paulley, 892
Benito, Village of. See Village of Benito
Bill of Rights
Federal consultation
Gray, 241
Roblin, 241
Abram Arthur Kroeker Foundation, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 92)
Acts of Incorporation of certain Corporations, an Act to Repeal the (Bill 12)
Agricultural Credit Act, An Act to amend The (Bill 69)
Animal Husbandry Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 2)
Apprenticeship Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 21)
Arborg Memorial Medical Nursing Unit District No. 36, an Act Respecting the (Bill 13)
Association of Dental Technicians of Manitoba, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 85)
Attorney-General's Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 47)
Bloom Field Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 28)
Brandon Charter, an Act to amend the (Bill 109)
Brandon College Incorporated, an Act to amend an Act to incorporate (Bill 137)
Brightstone Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 29)
By-Law No. 1422, an Act to validate (Bill 93)
Child Welfare Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 132)
City of Portage la Prairie, an Act to amend the Charter of the (Bill 11)
Civil Service Superannuation Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 133)
Civil Service, An Act respecting the (Bill 89)
Consolidated School District of Seven Oaks Consolidation Act, an Act to amend and interpret The (Bill 122)
Corporation of Metropolitan Winnipeg, An Act to establish The (Bill 62)
Corporation of the Synod of Manitoba of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 61)
Crop Insurance Test Areas Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 104)
Crystal Spring Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 30)
Dental Association Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 82)
Dental Technicians, an Act respecting (Bill 75)
Department of Municipal Affairs Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 63)
Dower Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 114)
Education Department Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 99)
Education of Psychiatric Nurses, An Act to provide for the (Bill 66)
Election Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 43)
Elmhurst Golf and Country Club, an Act to incorporate (Bill 67)
Expenditure of monies for capital purposes of the Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board and to authorize the borrowing of the same, an Act to authorize the (Bill 130)
Expenditure of monies for various capital purposes and to authorize the borrowing of the same (1), an Act to authorize the (Bill 127)
Expenditure of monies for various capital purposes and to authorize the borrowing of the same (2), an Act to authorize the (Bill 128)
Fort Garry, an Act to authorize the transfer of land by the Rural Municipality of (Bill 131)
Fort Garry, an Act to Validate By-Law 4225 of the Rural Municipality of (Bill 95)
Game and Fisheries Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 50)
Glenboro Medical Nursing Unit District No. 16B, an Act respecting the (Bill 52)
Grand Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 31)
Granting to Her Majesty certain further sums of money for the public services of the province for the fiscal year ending 31st day of March 1960, an Act for (Bill 121)
Granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public services of the province for the fiscal year ending the 31st day of March 1961, an Act for (Bill 113)
Greater Winnipeg Sanitary District, an Act to amend the (Bill 56)
Greater Winnipeg Transit Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 10)
Greater Winnipeg Water District Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 9)
Guarantee of the Payment of Monies Payable under Debentures issued by certain Hospitals to secure monies borrowed, an Act to provide (Bill 119)
Health Services Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 64)
Highway Traffic Act (1), an Act to amend The (Bill 52)
Highway Traffic Act No. 2, an Act to amend The (Bill 126)
Hillside Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 32)
Hospital Services Insurance Act, An Act to amend The (Bill 77)
Hospitals Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 76)
Housing Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 135)
Insurance Act (1), an Act to amend The (Bill 5)
Insurance Act (2), an Act to amend The (Bill 6)
Interpretation Act, an Act to Ament The (Bill 20)
Judgments Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 15)
Labour Relations Act, An Act to amend The (Bill 80)
Lakeside Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 33)
Lakeview and Westbourne, an Act to amend an Act respecting the Rural Municipalities of (Bill 55)
Law Society Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 65)
Legislative Assembly Act, An Act to amend The (Bill 81)
Limitation of Actions Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 115)
Liquor Control Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 116)
Loan Act 1959, an Act to amend The (Bill 138)
Loans Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 22)
Lord's Day Act (Canada), an Act to provide for certain exceptions to The(Bill 98)
Manitoba Evidence Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 27)
Manitoba Federation of Agriculture, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 60)
Manitoba Health Service, an Act to amend an Act to incorporate (Bill 8)
Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board Development Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 23)
Manitoba Power Commission, an Act to amend the (Bill 24)
Manitoba School Trustees Association Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 110)
Manitoba Telephone Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 25)
Margarine Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 51)
Mechanics' Liens Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 58)
Mennonite Educational Society of Manitoba, an Act to incorporate (Bill 87)
Mineral Taxation Act and The Statute Law Amendment Act 1959, An Act to amend The (Bill 78)
Mines Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 123)
Motive Fuel Users Tax Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 7)
Municipal Act (2), an Act to amend the (Bill 117)
Municipal Act, An Act to amend The (Bill 88)
North Kildonan, an Act to validate by-law No. 1422 of the Rural Municipality of (Bill 93)
Noxious Weeds Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 49)
Oak Bluff Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 34)
Ophthalmic Dispensers Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 125)
Pollution of Waters Prevention Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 4)
Poplar Point Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 35)
Predator Control Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 112)
Prevent discrimination against any person with respect to the provision of accommodation by reason of race, religion, religious creed, colour, ancestry, ethnic or national origin, an Act to (Bill 48)
Provincial Parks and Provincial Recreational Areas, an Act respecting (Bill 107)
Provision of Planning Services to Municipalities and Agencies of the Government, an Act respecting the (Bill 103)
Psychiatric Nurses Association of Manitoba, an Act respecting the (Bill 86)
Public Libraries Act (2), an Act to amend The (Bill 102)
Public Libraries Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 17)
Public Printing Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 46)
Public Schools Act (1), An Act to amend The (Bill 83)
Public Schools Act (2), an Act to amend The (Bill 101)
Public Schools Act (3), an Act to amend The (Bill 120)
Public Utilities Board Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 14)
Registry Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 16)
Regulations Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 44)
Residence Ste. Therese Home for the Aged, an Act to incorporate (Bill 74)
Rock Lake Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 36)
Rose Valley Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 37)
School District Debenture Interest Guarantee Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 100)
Securities Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 118)
Shops Regulation Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 137)
Sobelco Foundation, an Act to amend an Act to incorporate the (Bill 91)
Soldiers' Taxation Relief Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 90)
Spring Valley Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 38)
Springfield Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 39)
St. Boniface Charter, an Act to amend the (Bill 106)
St. Boniface General Hospital, an Act to incorporate (Bill 71)
St. Boniface Sanatorium, an Act to incorporate (Bill 72)
St. Charles Country Club, an Act to amend an Act to incorporate (Bill 42)
St. James Charter (2), an Act to amend the (Bill 54)
St. James Charter, an Act to amend the (Bill 26)
Ste. Rose General Hospital, an Act to incorporate (Bill 70)
Sturgeon Creek Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 40)
Sunnyside Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 40)
Swan River, an Act to validate by-law No. 19/59 of the Town of, by-law 1628 of the Rural Municipality of Swan River, by-law No. 127 of the Village of Benito, by-law No. 1349 of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas, an Act to validate (Bill 108)
Tache Hospital for Chronic Geriatric Patients, an Act to incorporate (Bill 73)
Taxicab Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 68)
Teachers' Retirement Allowances Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 105)
Town of Carman, an Act respecting the (Bill 97)
Town Planning Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 111)
Treasury Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 129)
Trust Fund of the 45th Battalion of The Canadian Expeditionary Force, an Act respecting the (Bill 79)
Typographical Errors in the Statutes, an Act to correct certain (Bill 3)
Vacations with Pay Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 18)
Veterinary Services Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 124)
Wages Recovery Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 19)
Watershed Conservation Districts Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 57)
Well Drilling Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 45)
Winnipeg Board of Trade, an Act to amend an Act to Incorporate the (Bill 96)
Winnipeg Canoe Club, an Act to amend an Act to incorporate the (Bill 84)
Winnipeg Charter 1956, by law validation, an Act to amend the (Bill 94)
Workmen's Compensation Act (Bill 134)
Bird populations
Poison bait program, impact of
Hutton, 769
Watt, 769
Bjornson, Oscar F. (Lac du Bonnet) PC
Atomic research plant, 263-265
First Nations communities
Employment opportunities, need for, 265
Margarine Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 51)
2 R, 1588-1589
Colouring of margarine
For/against, 1588-1589
Questions and orders for return
Nuclear research Centre
Location (Elliott Lake), 823
Pulpwood, 976-978
Throne speech
Debate, 263-265
Bloom Field Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 28)
1 R
Shewman, 656
2 R
Campbell, 872-873, 1105-1106, 1109-1111
Christianson, 1119
Cowan, 1119-1120
Evans, 873
Gray, 1117-1118
Hryhorczuk, 1120
Lyon, 1116-1117
Scarth, 1115-1116
Shewman, 872-873
Weir, 1118-1119
Assimilation into communities
Campbell, 1111
Cowan, 1114-1115
Gray, 1117-1118
Hryhorczuk, 1120
Expansion restrictions
Campbell, 1110
Paulley, 1113-1114
Income tax of the colonies
Weir, 1118-1119
Municipal agreement "Schedule A"
Campbell, 1110
Lyon, 1116-1117
Report recommendations
Campbell, 1109
Paulley, 1111-1112
Rights of women, concern for
Lissaman, 873
Blue Cross
Administrative costs
Paulley, 1069
Distribution of assets
Johnson, 83
Paulley, 83
Money, government intention
Johnson, 1074-1075
Shoemaker, 1071
Bonds, tax free
Roblin, 1986
Boulic, Marcel. See Condolence, motions of
Boy Scouts
Campbell, 1848
McLean, 1848
Paulley, 1848
Brandon Charter, an Act to amend the (Bill 109)
1 R
Lissaman, 1163
2 R
Lissaman, 1823
3 R
Martin, 1823
Willis, 2009
Alexander, 1914
Lissaman, 1914
Grant authorizations
Lissaman, 1823
Brandon College
Expansion assistance
Lissaman, 1704-1705
McLean, 1702
McKenzie Seed Company
Gray, 1704
McLean, 1704
Brandon College Incorporated, an Act to amend an Act to Incorporate (Bill 136)
1 R
Lissaman, 1867
2 R
Lissaman, 1906
3 R
Martin, 1916
Willis, 2009
Brandon Packers' strike
Roberts, 1945-1946
Bridge construction
Concrete vs. steel
Corbett, 1427
Molgat, 1425-1428
Thompson, 1427-1428
Need for--Fairford
Guttormson, 287
Guttormson, 1427
Thompson, 1427
Tenders for
Reid, 1425
Thompson, 1425
Brightstone Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 29)
1 R
Shewman, 656
2 R
Shewman, 1121
British Small Farm Scheme
Groves, 7
Brotherhood Week
Campbell, 757-758
Gray, 757
Paulley, 758
Roblin, 757
Brucellosis eradication program. See Matter of Urgent Public Importance
Budget 1960
Alexander, 1866-1867
Campbell, 1766-1776
Christianson, 1946-1947
Cowan, 1886-1887
Froese, 1884-1886
Hutton, 1995-1996
Orlikow, 1793-1799
Prefontaine, 1992-1993
Roberts, 1942-1946
Roblin, 1982-1988
Schreyer, 1993-1995
Wright, 1888
Budget Statement and Economic Review 1960
Roblin, 1710
Campbell, 1776
Orlikow, 1799
Bus driver licenses
Carroll, 1365-1366
Hawryluk, 1365
Business Development Fund
General comments
Campbell, 1549
Evans, 1549
Business Development Fund Act
Tabling of report
Evans, 546
Butter. See Margarine Act, an Act to amend the