Wednesday, January 10, 2024

TIME – 2:30 p.m.

LOCATION – Winnipeg, Manitoba

CHAIRPERSON – Mr. Doyle Piwniuk (Turtle Mountain)

VICE-CHAIRPERSON – MLA Jim Maloway (Elmwood)


Members of the committee present:

Mr. Brar, Ms. Dela Cruz, MLAs Devgan, Kennedy, Khan, Lamoureux, Maloway, Mr. Piwniuk, MLA Sandhu, Mr. Wharton


Election of the Chairperson

Election of the Vice-Chairperson

* * *

Clerk Assistant (Mr. Tim Abbott): Good afternoon. Will the Standing Committee on Public Accounts please come to order.

      Before the com­mit­tee can proceed with the busi­ness before it, it must elect a Chairperson.

      Are there any nominations?

      MLA Maloway.

MLA Jim Maloway (Elmwood): I nominate Doyle Piwniuk.

Clerk Assistant: Mr. Piwniuk has been nominated.

      Any other nominations?

      Hearing none, Mr. Piwniuk, will you please virtually take the Chair.

The Chairperson: Thanks, Tim, and thanks, everyone, for being here today.

      Our next item for–of busi­ness is the election of the Vice-Chairperson.

      Are there any nominations? Does anybody have their hand up?

      Mr. Maloway has been nominated. Are there any other nominations?

      Hearing no other nominations, Mr. Maloway is elected Vice-Chairperson.

      I would like to extend a welcome to all new members of the Public Accounts com­mit­tee. With the Chairperson and the Vice-Chair now elected, the steering com­mit­tee made up of the Chairperson, the Vice‑Chairperson, the Auditor General and the clerks will now meet and plan an agenda for PAC.

      For the first item of busi­ness being that there will be a training session on the intricacies of this unique com­mit­tee. This will then be communicated to all com­mit­tee members.

      Before the com­mit­tee rises, I am going to table the following docu­ments which will be now made available to all members on the MLA Portal at the end of this meeting: The first one is the responses from the De­part­ment of Finance to questions from the standing com­mit­tee of Public Accounts meeting on June 5, 2023; the second item is responses from the De­part­ment of Consumer Pro­tec­tion and Gov­ern­ment Services to questions from the standing com­mit­tee of Public Accounts meeting on June 6, 2023; and responses from the De­part­ment of Economic Dev­elop­ment, Invest­ment and Trade to questions from the standing com­mit­tee of Public Accounts meeting on June 7 of 2023.

      So, having completed the busi­ness before it, the hour being 3:33, what would be the will of the commit­tee?

Clerk Assistant: Mr. Chair, sorry, we need to go back to do the election of the Vice-Chair again. You need to recog­nize somebody, and I believe that Mr. Sandhu had his hand up to be recog­nized. So if you could just do the election bit again–

The Chairperson: Sure, I can do that. Sorry, I just didn't see anybody there, because we have a small–everyone was on a small screen. Sorry, my apologies.

      Okay, so now for–the next item of busi­ness is the election of the Vice-Chairperson.

      Are there any nominations?

      And I'll see MLA Sandhu.

MLA Mintu Sandhu (The Maples): I nominate Mr. Maloway for the Vice-Chair.

The Chairperson: Okay. Thank you.

      Now, Mr. Maloway has been now nominated.

      Are there any other nominations?

      Hearing no other nominations, Mr. Maloway is elected Vice-Chairperson.

Clerk Assistant: You can now put the question again to the com­mit­tee, Mr. Chair.

The Chairperson: Okay, I'll do that. Thanks, Tim.

      Having completed all the busi­ness before it, the hour being 3:34, what is the will of the com­mit­tee?

An Honourable Member: Com­mit­tee rise.

The Chairperson: The com­mit­tee rise.



Public Accounts Vol. 1

TIME – 2:30 p.m.

LOCATION – Winnipeg, Manitoba

CHAIRPERSON – Mr. Doyle Piwniuk (Turtle Mountain)

MLA Jim Maloway (Elmwood)


Members of the committee present:

Mr. Brar,
Ms. Dela Cruz,
MLAs Devgan, Kennedy, Khan, Lamoureux, Maloway,
Mr. Piwniuk,
MLA Sandhu,
Mr. Wharton


Election of the Chairperson

Election of the Vice-Chairperson

* * *