Hon. James McCrae (Government House Leader): Madam Speaker, by leave of the House, the Committee of Supply will continue to sit in three sections for the period May 26 to June 5, and instead of seeking leave for a lengthy--
Madam Speaker: Order, please. I think traditionally we do these, so that everybody fully understands what they are agreeing to, one at a time. Is that the will of the House? [agreed]
Is there leave of the House that the Committee of Supply continue to sit in three sections for the period of May 26 to June 5 inclusive? [agreed]
Mr. McCrae: Madam Speaker, instead of seeking leave for a lengthy series of changes to the revised Estimates sequence tabled May 12, I would like, by leave today, to table a further revised Estimates sequence. This document is signed, as the rules would require, by representatives of both the government and the official opposition, that is, myself and the honourable member for Burrows (Mr. Martindale).
Madam Speaker: Is there leave for the government House leader to table a new sequence of the order of Estimates? [agreed]
Mr. McCrae: Madam Speaker, there have been discussions amongst representatives of the parties, and I think we have some matters that we can agree upon this afternoon respecting the proceedings of this House for the next few days. There are a couple of key items that remain unresolved at this point. If honourable members will listen carefully we can go through this, and if any further discussion is required, it can happen. There are a number of things that are being discussed in an order like any Rubik's cube. You almost need all of the pieces to come together for the puzzle to be complete.
We have been working to attempt to achieve some accommodations for each other as parties in this House. The first thing I would seek leave for, Madam Speaker, is that the House not sit on Monday evening, May 26, nor Friday, May 30.
Madam Speaker: Is there leave for the House not to sit on Monday evening, May 26 and May 30? [agreed]
Mr. McCrae: Madam Speaker, that on Thursday, May 29, the House sit at ten o'clock in the morning, commencing with the prayer, to consider bills, to recess at noon, resume at 1:30 p.m. for Routine Proceedings and Supply and adjourn at 6 p.m.
Madam Speaker: Is there leave that on Thursday, May 29, the House sit at 10 a.m., commencing with the prayer, to consider bills, recess at noon, resume at 1:30 p.m. for Routine Proceedings and Supply and adjourn at 6 p.m.? [agreed]
* (1420)
Mr. McCrae: Madam Speaker, some further matters. I also seek leave of the House for the following: Commencing on Tuesday, June 3, and continuing for the duration of this session, first, that the House not sit on Monday evenings.
Madam Speaker: Is there leave of the House, commencing on Tuesday, June 3, and continuing for the duration of this session that the House not sit on Monday evenings? [agreed]
Mr. McCrae: Secondly, that the House not sit on Fridays.
Madam Speaker: For the same period of time, Tuesday, June 3, for the duration of the session, is there leave that the House not sit on Fridays? [agreed]
Mr. McCrae: Third, Madam Speaker, that the House sit on Thursdays at 10 a.m. commencing with the prayer, to consider government business, recess at noon, resume at 1:30 p.m. for Routine Proceedings, to be followed by government business and then private members' hour, unless they are waived on a day-to-day basis.
Madam Speaker: Is there leave of the House for the same period, commencing Tuesday, June 3, continuing for the duration of this session that the House sit on Thursdays at 10 a.m. commencing with the prayer, to consider government business, recess at 12 noon, resume at 1:30 p.m. for Routine Proceedings, to be followed by government business and then by private members' hour, unless private members' hour is waived on a daily basis? [agreed]
Mr. McCrae: Madam Speaker, so there is no misunderstanding, the remaining items to be discussed are the way we deal with Monday, June 2, and the issue surrounding the way we have been handling deferral of votes and the issues related to quorums. Those matters seem somehow to be linked, I am not sure how, but we will continue those discussions and perhaps have a report on Monday of next week, or perhaps later today, but more likely Monday of next week, so that in the meantime we are in a position to move forward this afternoon with Estimates in the House in Room 255 and in Room 254.
* (1430)
So at this time, I move, seconded by the honourable Minister of Culture, Heritage and Citizenship (Mrs. Vodrey), that Madam Speaker do now leave the Chair and the House resolve itself into a committee to consider of the Supply to be granted to Her Majesty.
Motion agreed to.