House Business

Hon. James McCrae (Government House Leader): Madam Speaker, I have a number of matters of House business for the attention of honourable members. Firstly, I would seek leave of the House that the House not sit on Friday, May 23.

* (1440)

Madam Speaker: Is there leave that the House not sit on Friday, May 23? [agreed]

Mr. McCrae: Secondly, that on Thursday, May 22, the House sit at 10 a.m. commencing with the Prayers, to consider bills, recess at 12 noon, resume at 1:30 for Routine Proceedings and Supply and adjourn at 6 p.m.

Madam Speaker: Is there leave that on Thursday, May 22, the House sit at 10 a.m. commencing with the Prayers, to consider bills, recess at noon, resume at 1:30 for Routine Proceedings and Committee of Supply and adjourn at 6 p.m.? [agreed]

Mr. McCrae: Third, that for the period of May 20 to May 22, 1997, any recorded votes requested in the House, in the standing committees or in the Committee of Supply be deferred until a time agreed upon by the House leaders. In this connection, in relation to what happened this afternoon with respect to the application brought by the honourable member for Inkster, I wish to thank him, his colleagues and members of the New Democratic Party as well for the accommodation they made.

Madam Speaker: Is there leave that for the period of May 20 to May 22, any recorded votes requested in the House, in the standing committees or in the Committee of Supply be deferred until a time agreed upon by the House leaders? [agreed]

Mr. McCrae: Fourth, that for the period May 20 to May 22, 1997, the quorum requirement for the House, the Committee of Supply and the standing committees be waived.

Madam Speaker: Is there leave that for the period May 20 to May 22, the quorum requirement for the House, the Committee of Supply and the standing committees be waived? [agreed]

Mr. McCrae: Fifth, that for the period May 20 to May 22, 1997, the number of members required to request a recorded vote be reduced to one.

Madam Speaker: Is there leave that for the period May 20 to May 22, the number of members required to request a recorded vote be reduced to one? [agreed]

Mr. McCrae: Sixth, to permit the Standing Committee on Public Utilities and Natural Resources to sit as already scheduled at 10 a.m. on Thursday, May 22, at the same time that the House is sitting.

Madam Speaker: Is there leave to permit the Standing Committee on Public Utilities and Natural Resources to sit as already scheduled at 10 a.m. on Thursday, May 22, concurrently while the House is sitting? [agreed]

Mr. McCrae: Seventh, Madam Speaker, to waive private members' hour for the period May 20 to May 22.

Madam Speaker: Is there leave to waive private members' hour for the period May 20 to May 22 inclusive? [agreed]

Mr. McCrae: Madam Speaker, today and tomorrow the Committee of Supply will meet in two sections, only because of previously scheduled meetings of the Privileges and Elections subcommittee. Therefore, I am seeking leave of the House to adjust the Estimates sequence so that for today and tomorrow the section meeting in the Chamber will consider the Estimates of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Sustainable Development Innovations Fund, and Justice, in that order, and the section meeting in Room 255 will consider the Estimates of Labour, Civil Service Commission, Employee Benefits and Other Payments, Government Services, and Emergency Expenditures, in that order.

Madam Speaker: Is there leave that there be two sections of the Committee of Supply because of previously scheduled meetings of the Privileges and Elections subcommittee--is there leave? [agreed]

Is there leave to adjust the Estimates sequence so that for today and tomorrow the section meeting in the Chamber will consider the Estimates of Industry, Trade and Tourism, then Sustainable Development Innovations Fund, and Justice, and that the section meeting in Room 255 will consider the Estimates of Labour, Civil Service Commission, Employee Benefits and Other Payments, Government Services, and Emergency Expenditures, in that order? [agreed]

Mr. McCrae: Penultimately, Madam Speaker, an announcement that the Standing Committee on Economic Development, which is scheduled to meet in Room 255 on this coming Thursday at 10 a.m. to consider the Annual Report of the Manitoba Lotteries Foundation for the year ended March 31, '93, and the Annual Reports of the Manitoba Lotteries Corporation for the years ended March 31, '94, March 31, '95, and March 31, '96, that meeting would be rescheduled to June 12, which I think is a Thursday, and that would be at ten o'clock in the forenoon and probably all of the other details were similar. It is simply a change of date for that one.

Madam Speaker: That is just a notice. The Standing Committee on Economic Development, previously scheduled for this Thursday, 10 a.m., to consider the '95-96 reports of Manitoba Lotteries Corporation will be rescheduled to Thursday, June 12.

Mr. McCrae: Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Minister of Agriculture (Mr. Enns), that Madam Speaker do now leave the Chair and the House resolve itself into a committee to consider of the Supply to be granted to Her Majesty.

Motion agreed to.